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1 0 Red Leaf Roller

Red Leaf Roller

by DrNamgyalT.Sherpaगान्तोक, Sikkim, India

1 0 Red Leaf Roller

Red Leaf Roller

by DrNamgyalT.SherpaGangtok, Sikkim, India

Wingspan: 35mm

0 0 Red Leaf Roller

Red Leaf Roller

by DrNamgyalT.SherpaGangtok, Sikkim, India

0 0 Red Leaf Roller

Red Leaf Roller

by DrNamgyalT.SherpaGangtok, Sikkim, India

1 1 Red-banded leaf-roller

Red-banded leaf-roller

by KarenLFranklin, Tennessee, USA

8 mm long moth

5 1 Red Leaf Roller

Red Leaf Roller

by DrNamgyalTSherpaGangtok, Sikkim, India

Wingspan: 25 mm.

4 0 Bougainvillea


by ryan.komura2013

-color mutations -- blooms Year-round Fruits: None Pests: Spider mites, ...

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