A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Adult great cormorant in breeding plumage.
Greek common name: Μαυρολαίμης.
Great Egret in Kalochori lagoon (Thessaloniki, Greece)
On shrubs near lagoon.
Gallikos river estuaries.
Reed bed in river estuary.
Reed bed in river estuary.
Greek name: Αλκυόνη.
River estuaries.
Gallikos river estuaries.
Kalochori lagoon (Thessaloniki, Greece).
A grey plover at Kalochori lagoon (Thessaloniki, Greece). Regular winter ...
Low spreading annual herb; leaves ovate with strongly serrated margins; flowers ...
Kalochori lagoon and Gallikos river estuaries (Thessaloniki, Greece).
Female black redstart.
Meadow at the edge of a lagoon in the industrial area of the city of ...
Greek common name: Σπίνος.
Greek common name: Γερακίνα.
Greek name: Αθηνά η νυκτία. Greek common name: Κουκουβάγια.
Female black redstart.
Female Eurasian kestrel.
Gallikos river estuaries.
Dalmatian pelican is considered as vulnerable species by the IUCN Red List.
Greater white-fronted goose wintering in Northern Greece.
Greek common name: Ψαλίδα.
Gallikos river estuaries.
Greek name: Αλκυόνη.
Great crested grebe with fish prey.
Greek name: Ερωδιός ο τεφρόχρους. Greek common name: Σταχτοτσικνιάς.
Greek name: Πυγόπους ο μελανόλαιμος. Greek common name: Μαυροβουτηχτάρι.
Greek name: Φαλακροκόραξ ο πυγμαίος. Greek common name: Λαγγόνα.
Kalochori lagoon and Gallikos river estuary.
Greek name: Νουμήνιος ο τοξορραμφής. Greek common name: Τουρλίδα.
Photo 1: Male. Photos 2-3: Pair. Photos 4-5: Female.
Gallikos river estuaries.
A juvenile great cormorant drying its wings.
Female western marsh harrier.
Greek common name: Κοκκινοσκέλης
1st photo: At the top female, at the bottom male. 2nd photo: Male.
Female on the left of the photo. Male on the right.
Greek common name: Αργυροτσικνιάς.
A male Eurasian widgeon.
Greek common name: Κιρκίρι.
Greek name: Ράλλος ο φίλυδρος. Greek common name: Νεροκοτσέλα.
Greek name: Φαλακροκόραξ ο πυγμαίος. Greek common name: Λαγγόνα.