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3 5 Sawfly


by Atanas TanevСОФИЯ, Югозападен район за планиране, Bulgaria

0 1 Abia fasciata

Abia fasciata

by FaredinAliyevskiRegion Hovedstaden, Denmark

0 0 Golden bee

Golden bee

by PochempieMittelberg, Vorarlberg, Austria

4 0 cimbicid sawfly

cimbicid sawfly

by EmilieChichÎle-de-France, Tromelin Island

Europe. Found it on the forest floor.

0 0 Spotting


by JakubkoGreenville, New York, USA

Abia americana? ...

1 0 Golden bee

Golden bee

by PochempieMittelberg, Vorarlberg, Austria

Spotted in the alps, please help for identification!

1 2 Honeysuckle Sawfly Larva

Honeysuckle Sawfly Larva

by Christine Y.Connecticut, USA

Beautiful whitish gray larva with black and yellow dots.

7 6 Cimbicid Sawfly

Cimbicid Sawfly

by JakubkoGermantown, New York, USA

Clubbed antennae and golden abdomen.

1 0 Cimbicid sawfly

Cimbicid sawfly

by BugEricColorado, USA

About 12-15 millimeters in body length, colored as shown. Note clubbed ...

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