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0 0 Jack in the Pulpit

Jack in the Pulpit

by tjsMaryland, USA

1 0 Jack-in-the-pulpit


by mhwillisNorth Carolina, USA

0 0 Jack-in-the-Pulpit


by amyallen90Pennsylvania, USA

0 0 Jack In The Pulpit

Jack In The Pulpit

by PutkovAlexanderWales, United Kingdom

0 0 Green Dragon

Green Dragon

by Stephanie RainwaterArkansas, USA


0 0 Jack-in-the-Pulpit


by AarongunnarMenomonie, Wisconsin, USA

1 0 Jack-in-the-Pulpit


by loudsingerPittman Center, Tennessee, USA

0 0 Jack in the pulpit

Jack in the pulpit

by dingodogLawrence, Indiana, USA

Fort Ben SP

0 0 Arisaema nanjenense

Arisaema nanjenense

by 蕭宇謙臺灣省 (Taiwan), Taiwan

Arisaema nanjenense is a distinctive plant ...

0 0 Spotting


by VivBraznellThailand

Arisaema possibly serratum

1 0 Ileus


by Jason AlexanderJambi, Indonesia

0 0 Jack-in-the-pulpit


by LindsyWinona, Minnesota, USA

Damp woods

4 3 jack in the pulpit

jack in the pulpit

by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA

wooded area

0 0 Jack-in-the-pulpit


by LindsyWinona, Minnesota, USA

Damp woods

0 0 Jack in the pulpit

Jack in the pulpit

by AnbirdErie, Pennsylvania, USA

0 0 Jack-in-the-pulpit


by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA

botanical garden

1 2 Arisaema iyoanum

Arisaema iyoanum

by GabrielClementeAlgarve, Portugal


0 1 Jack-in-the-pulpit


by okiegirl85.mmFlorida, USA

Woodland floor

0 1 Jack in the Pulpit

Jack in the Pulpit

by hahonickOwings Mills, Maryland, USA

shiny leaves in groupings of three

0 0 Jack in the Pulpit

Jack in the Pulpit

by LaurineSpringfield, Illinois, USA

1 0 Jack-in-the-Pulpit


by JenniferLawrencePeoria, Illinois, USA

Very early spring plant, leaves tender and trifoliate, spathe folded over ...

5 3 jack in the pulpit

jack in the pulpit

by AnnaWhipkeyLafayette, Indiana, USA

1 0 Jack In The Pulpit

Jack In The Pulpit

by DianneFrostToccoa, Georgia, USA

Spotted near the Big Panther Creek

15 5 Serrate Arisaema

Serrate Arisaema

by Ori Fragman-Sapir松本市, 中部地方, Japan

An impressive aroid with red fruits on a black base. LKeaves dissected.

0 0 Wake Robin

Wake Robin

by Emma Long Beach, California, USA

0 0 Jack in the Pulpit

Jack in the Pulpit

by dcfieldviewConnecticut, USA

Lightly wooded upland.

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