A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
"Late summer and fall woodland hikers can count on walking into this small ...
Very tiny, approximately 3mm. Found on the backside of a large maple leaf.
Small red spider about 6-8mm long
A female Arrowhead orb weaver. Reddish ...
This species is leading cause of webs in your hair on the property.
See the Male: http://www.projectnoah.org/spottings/1644326009
Also called the Triangle orb weaver spider
Also called triangle orb weaver
I saw a lot of (really large!) Golden Orb Weavers at Veragua Rainforest ...
my hat above my eyes. It turned out to be this beautiful
Unusual orb weaver found in the Ozarks. Unlike most, they hang right-side up ...
A pale 7 mm long spider with a trapezoid ...
Series: I stumbled upon this Furrow