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1 2 The Bedstraw Hawk

The Bedstraw Hawk

by frankdaalestrupRegion Midtjylland, Denmark

In denish: Snerresværmer (Hyles gallii)

4 5 Bedstraw hawk-moth, galium sphinx/ Бражник подмаренниковый

Bedstraw hawk-moth, galium sphinx/ Бражник подмаренниковый

by IrinaShBol'shoe Zamosh'e, Novgorod Oblast, Russian Federation

Pupa was found in the ground, about 10 cm from the surface.

3 3 Bedstraw Hawk-moth, Gallium Sphinx

Bedstraw Hawk-moth, Gallium Sphinx

by MonikaProkopiukwojewództwo świętokrzyskie, Poland

6 1 Bedstraw Hawk-Moth or Gallium Sphinx

Bedstraw Hawk-Moth or Gallium Sphinx

by bayuccaSumiswald, Bern - Berne, Switzerland


0 1 Bedstraw Hawk-moth

Bedstraw Hawk-moth

by StephanieBoschSchönstedt, Freistaat Thüringen, Germany

Brown with white stripes

36 27 Bedstraw Hawk-Moth or Gallium Sphinx

Bedstraw Hawk-Moth or Gallium Sphinx

by bayuccaSumiswald, Bern - Berne, Switzerland


13 2 Bedstraw Hawk-Moth

Bedstraw Hawk-Moth

by misakoAlaska, USA

darkens before pupation. They feed on fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium, ...

0 0 Bedstraw Hawk-Moth

Bedstraw Hawk-Moth

by Ilkka KivistöFinland

Matarakiitäjä (fin.)

1 0 Bedstraw Sphinx Moth Larva

Bedstraw Sphinx Moth Larva

by LaurenZarateAlaska, USA

A black form of the Bedstraw Sphinx Moth ...

1 0 Hummingbird Hawk-moth

Hummingbird Hawk-moth

by codrut.ecoHunedoara, Romania

I saw it one evening, sipping nectar from a flower.

6 4 Elephan Hawk-moth

Elephan Hawk-moth

by MarbuTreuen, Sachsen, Germany

Also known as Elephant Hawk-moth. A real ...

0 0 Hyles gallii

Hyles gallii

by ZdzideSadewojewództwo lubelskie, Poland

The Bedstraw

32 7 Hummingbird Hawk Moth

Hummingbird Hawk Moth

by KarthiKeyanSCoimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

Hummingbird hawk moth in collecting nectar ...

5 5 Vine Hawk-Moth

Vine Hawk-Moth

by PatriciaPiCalpe/Calp, Comunitat Valenciana, Spain

.The forewing is typically 28–35 millimetres (1.1–1.4 in) long. It feeds on ...

1 0 Bedstraw Hawk Moth

Bedstraw Hawk Moth

by J New York, USA

Hyles galli is characterized by beautiful pink hindwings edged with black, and ...

4 0 Bedstraw Hawk Moth

Bedstraw Hawk Moth

by KimmyTorrington, Connecticut, USA

Dark brown and green with striking cream horizontal stripes/markings on ...

1 0 Hummingbird Hawk Moth

Hummingbird Hawk Moth

by AngieJosten-SpraggWestern Cape, South Africa

Macroglossum stellatarum, known as the Hummingbird

1 3 Elephant Hawk-moth

Elephant Hawk-moth

by KrisThomasEngland, United Kingdom

The larva is about 75 millimetres (3.0 in) long, green and brown in colour. ...

13 13 Elephant Hawk-moth,Mariposa-elefante

Elephant Hawk-moth,Mariposa-elefante

by AntónioGinjaGinjaBraga, Portugal

millimetres (3.0 in) long, green and brown in colour. Like most

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