A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Project Noah Nature School
A bush with waxy leaves
Small cactus w red fruit
Reddish spider
Cactus forest
Butterfly. Orange with black spots
Looks like a cricket. Inch long. Brown.
Three quarters of an inch. Insect. 6legs. Spotted.
Waxy leaves, dry bark, white bark. Located next to wash.
spot marked for the bioblitz
Bee or other flying insect caught in a trap. Black with yellow spots.
Manzo Elementary Biome
Manzo elementary biome
Compost at Manzo elementary
Manzo Elementary School Biome
Manzo biome
On a hillside covering it
Arms in weird u shape
Manzo Elementary School
Under a rock
OK BioBlitz 2013 Camp Simpson
Very tiny cricket
OK BioBlitz 2013, Camp Simpson
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