A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Beautiful female spotted on Phuket (Thailand)
A male Hypolimnas bolina with a wingspan of about 80 millimeters.
Race bolina H. bolina is a black-bodied butterfly with a wingspan of about ...
on our small farm enjoying the lantana
Hunting along the edge of Pillar Point Harbor in Half
2-3 inches. thick, oval gray-blue shell. ...
Woodland area, tuen mun, hong kong
the Great Eggfly (Hypolimnas bolina), also called the
A black-bodied butterfly with a wingspan of about 75 mm.
near Ramboda Falls, Panna Oya RIver, Sri Lanka
The white crescent moon shape on the face ...
large schools feeding in various depths. Adults all
The Great Eggfly (Hypolimnas bolina), also called the
Subspecies of Hypolimnas bolina occurring in the Philippines.
This caterpillar membunyai body colors of black and orange . with thorns thorns ...
Wingspan 65-70 mm, Male
The upper side of the wings of the female is a brownish black and does not have ...
The Great Eggfly (Hypolimnas bolina), also called the
portion of the wing, the spots can be
The Great Eggfly Butterfly, sometimes known as the Common Eggfly or the
The upper side of the wings are jet black, offset with three pairs of white ...
Hypolimnas bolina (Linnaeus, 1758), the Great Eggfly, also called the
Yellow / black wings striped like a tiger with
I had a mango tree in the garden and noticed that many of the butterflies would ...
Already battered and tattered, a seasoned Great Eggfly butterfly (or Common ...