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2 0 Broad Leaved Anemone

Broad Leaved Anemone

by ToreCanuSAR, Italy

Anemone hortensis, commonly called

1 0 Broad Leaved Anemone

Broad Leaved Anemone

by DavideParisioPerrottiRoma, LAZ, Italy

Found in Parco della Caffarella, Rome.

0 0 Heldreich's broad leaved Anemone

Heldreich's broad leaved Anemone

by Thanasis SamarasΔήμος Ηρακλείου, Κρήτη, Greece

An endemic species in the islands of Crete, Kasos and Karpathos.

2 0 Broad Leaved Anemone

Broad Leaved Anemone

by Ori Fragman-SapirPUG, Italy

This delicate anemone is common in the ...

4 1 Broad Leaved Anemone

Broad Leaved Anemone

by JopyCroatia

Anemone hortensis reaches on average 20–40 ...

0 0 Thimbleweed (Wildflower)

Thimbleweed (Wildflower)

by doreen.chambers.14Vermont, USA

Grows in open woods. Less than three feet tall. It has large

1 2 Broad Leaved Anemone / Zvjezdasta šumarica

Broad Leaved Anemone / Zvjezdasta šumarica

by injicaCroatia

height. The stem is erect and pubescent. The basal

2 0 Rue Anenome

Rue Anenome

by KenCheeksNorth Augusta, South Carolina, USA

basal leaves on slender stems; each basal ...

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