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0 0 By-the-wind sailor

By-the-wind sailor

by cmanisSan Luis Obispo, California, USA

1 0 By-the-wind Sailor

By-the-wind Sailor

by valentinezzaLIG, Italy

I've found it in the beach

6 2 By-The-Wind Sailor

By-The-Wind Sailor

by LivesInADreamBritish Columbia, Canada

Every few years, large concentrations of jellyfish-like animals called

1 0 By-the-wind Sailor

By-the-wind Sailor

by klgiovCalifornia, USA

Soft blue part and hard clear part

0 1 By-the-wind Sailor

By-the-wind Sailor

by kmberaSan Francisco, California, USA


1 0 By-the-wind sailor

By-the-wind sailor

by mendes.madalenaAlgarve, Portugal

3mm to 2 cm

1 0 By-the-wind Sailor

By-the-wind Sailor

by KathyRossGeorgia, USA

small jellyfish

1 0 By the wind Sailor

By the wind Sailor

by Hema ShahSan Luis Obispo, California, USA

Stranded Velella.Wish these could be returned to

0 0 By-the-wind sailor

By-the-wind sailor

by Stephen H.San Diego, California, USA

Blue oval creature with a clear fin. Found on beach.

3 4 By-the-wind Sailor

By-the-wind Sailor

by RebeccaRussellMustinCalifornia, USA

Jelly like

0 0 By-the-wind sailor

By-the-wind sailor

by baraherselfSeaside, Oregon, USA

Many washed ashore today at Seaside, Oregon, in many different sizes.

1 0 By-The-Wind Sailor (Velella)

By-The-Wind Sailor (Velella)

by Noahs ArkSanta Cruz, California, USA

I found quite a few of these little fellows floating on

0 1 By the Wind Sailor

By the Wind Sailor

by Hema ShahSan Luis Obispo, California, USA

The beach was strewn with these lovely ...

1 4 By-the-wind sailor

By-the-wind sailor

by DavidSantosLisboa, Portugal

I think it was a Physalia physalis, but I'm not ...

0 0 "By-the-wind sailors"

"By-the-wind sailors"

by R-in-natureCalifornia, USA

Jelly-like critters with blue oval body and a clear "sail"

0 0 By the wind sailor.

By the wind sailor.

by Hema ShahCalifornia, USA

Like other Cnidaria, Velella velella are carnivorous. They catch their prey, ...

8 4 By-the-wind Sailor

By-the-wind Sailor

by StirredMochaCalifornia, USA

functions. The creature drifts on

0 0 By the wind Sailor

By the wind Sailor

by AmyFSan Diego, California, USA

Beautiful little Cnidarians. Love their blue and purple coloration, and that ...

3 3 By-the-wind sailor

By-the-wind sailor

by SukesihGunaNew South Wales, Australia

flat oval disc, giving its common name, which acts as both a float and sail to ...

0 5 By-the-wind sailor. Carabela portuguesa

By-the-wind sailor. Carabela portuguesa

by eulalia rubioAlmardà, Comunidad Valenciana, Spain

Con apariencia de medusa, la carabela es en realidad un organismo colonial ...

3 2 Violet Snail

Violet Snail

by MacChristiansen2469, New South Wales, Australia

Violet Snail feeds on other planktonic animals, especially

1 0 Violet Sea Snail

Violet Sea Snail

by BerniceBowersHonolulu, Hawaiʻi, USA

Violet Sea Snail Phylum Mollusca The Violet ...

4 6 By-the-wind sailor

By-the-wind sailor

by LeubaVictoria, Australia

These are the dried chitinous remains of ...

2 0 Buoy Barnacles

Buoy Barnacles

by KilouekaAvalon, California, USA

, driftwood, feathers, cranberries, cuttlefish bone,

0 0 by-the-wind-sailors


by Deborah KPacific Grove, California, USA

perpendicular and is transparent. Has ribs/lines like tree rings I am ...

1 2 Violet snail, common purple snail

Violet snail, common purple snail

by DuprasiTexas, USA

. The snail begins life as a male and ...

69 47 Common Purple Snail

Common Purple Snail

by TizInhambane, Mozambique

A small blue snail with a firm bubble-like body. It was flushed up on

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