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0 0 Canopy Trees

Canopy Trees

by John G. PhillipsNicaragua

Tall canopy

0 0 Kapok tree

Kapok tree

by KelseyEvans-LayngParroquia Taracoa, Provincia de Orellana, Ecuador

Amazon canopy

0 0 Live oak

Live oak

by BlueFernsMonterey, California, USA

Massive specimen. Gorgeous canopy

0 0 Eastern Cottonwood

Eastern Cottonwood

by Priscilla CrawfordNorman, Oklahoma, USA

Large canopy

1 2 "ground orchid"

"ground orchid"

by luis_montevirgenZambales, Philippines

underneath the canopies of

0 0 euphonia


by tortugitaIquitos, Peru

feeding on bromeliad in emergent tree

1 2 Spotting


by TammyKingNorth Carolina, USA

thick canopy, heavy

2 0 Spotting


by TammyKingNorth Carolina, USA

thick canopy, heavy

1 0 Spotting


by TammyKingNorth Carolina, USA

light tree

0 0 Star fruit tree

Star fruit tree

Singapore, Singapore

The starfruit tree is located in the

0 0 Unknown Fungi

Unknown Fungi

by susan.kirt3Chiriquí, Panama

On a rainforest tree at

0 0 Redbud


by ChaenorrhinumOhio, USA

Spring-flowering understory tree

0 1 Spotting


by NikkiCattonWaiculVirginia, USA

Red mushroom on ground under large tree ...

0 1 Spotting


by DanielRowsonManchester, England, United Kingdom

Growing in abundance under tree

4 3 Sterculia coccinea

Sterculia coccinea

by VivBraznellThailand

Spindly growth tree.

1 0 Spotting


by TammyKingNorth Carolina, USA

moderate tree

0 0 Fox Squirrel Nest

Fox Squirrel Nest

by SherrieOhio, USA

Nest made of leafy branches near tree

5 0 Violet cuckoo

Violet cuckoo

by ashimgogoi.agBosabehari Gaon, Assam, India

Higher canopy

3 6 Green Bee-eater

Green Bee-eater

by BelaAroraMaharashtra, India

It utters a throaty trill, tree-tree-tree.

0 0 Spotting


by Rustic 41Indiana, Loreto, Peru

This tree was viewed from a platform on the ...

0 0 Indian Pipe

Indian Pipe

by TomBecherOregon, USA

Found 2 patches of this plant in mixed- aged

9 0 Red-Throated Sunbird

Red-Throated Sunbird

by Marta RubioTexeira

Males and females een at the top of the

0 0 Sycamore


by DavidRockland, Maine, USA

A small sycamore tree growing under the ...

0 0 Black bearded flying dragon

Black bearded flying dragon

by kajsabrittsjoJohor, Malaysia

These lizards have expandable ribs which they use to glide from

0 0 Horse Chestnut or Conker Tree

Horse Chestnut or Conker Tree

by JudyHargerNYC, New York, USA

From medium size tree with large

0 0 Spotting


by short3Okemos, Michigan, USA

Vine using tree as host to grab sunlight.

0 0 Spotting


by JaphTasmania, Australia

A plant, possibly a young Elder tree?

10 2 Quiver tree

Quiver tree

by Ori Fragman-SapirHantam Local Municipality, Northern Cape, South Africa

A tree aloe with beautiful bark and a round ...

0 0 Spotting


by bcaplanColumbia, Maryland, USA

Offwhite flat cap, white stem, white spores, cap slimey, odorless

0 0 Ivory-Billed Araçari

Ivory-Billed Araçari

by Joel PaulaParroquia Cononaco, Provincia de Orellana, Ecuador

spotted in the Amazon region of Ecuador, from a

0 0 Post Oak

Post Oak

by Priscilla CrawfordNorman, Oklahoma, USA

Small canopy

0 0 Black Jack Oak

Black Jack Oak

by Priscilla CrawfordNorman, Oklahoma, USA

Small canopy

1 0 Jacaranda


by auntnance123Cocoa, Florida, USA

tall tree with wide

0 2 Fern


by VivBraznellThailand

There are many different ferns growing in the 'jungly' part of the garden, ...

0 1 Fungi


by MikeLooseNew Zealand

Small white fungi on the side of a tree ...

0 0 lizard


by tortugitaIquitos, Peru

this lizard was in a stand off with a pray mantis on an emergent

0 2 Spotting


by LensRotoPortage, Michigan, USA

Purple-gray with shiny wet surface.

0 0 Wild mango

Wild mango

by AdamBTĐồng Xoài, Viet Nam

A large tree which when fully grown forms ...

2 0 Common Tamarisk Moss

Common Tamarisk Moss

by VivBraznellWest Devon District, England, United Kingdom

This moss is growing on granite boulders under a

1 1 bromeliad


by moore944Indiana, Loreto, Peru

This epiphyte was growing on a tree branch ...

1 1 Varied Triller (females)

Varied Triller (females)

by LeanneGardnerQueensland, Australia

About 13-15cm long.

0 1 Spotting


by shekainah d. alabanCapiz, Philippines

About 3.5 cm body length.

0 1 African Tulip Tree

African Tulip Tree

Singapore, Singapore

really tall in the canopy layer, with ...

4 0 Epiphyte plant

Epiphyte plant

by Marta RubioTexeiraPuntarenas, Costa Rica

Found also high on a tree. Seen from

1 0 Mistflower


by LisaPowersTennessee, USA

Purple, wispy flower.

1 0 King parrot

King parrot

by katey2auGosford, New South Wales, Australia

Red head, Green wings & Bluish back

1 0 Spotting


by TammyKingNorth Carolina, USA

Mountains, moist, light forest canopy, ...

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