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0 2 Pacific Banana Slug

Pacific Banana Slug

by alinaNorth Vancouver District, British Columbia, Canada

A big, slimy slug. Probably around 6-7 cm in length. Yellowish/almost greenish ...

0 1 Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron

by allen.hoofWest Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Large wading bird perched on a rock in a river bed

0 0 Eight-spotted skimmer

Eight-spotted skimmer

by north.shore.wetland.partnersWest Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

time a slough and part of the Capilano ...

9 8 American Kestrel (zoo)

American Kestrel (zoo)

by BenjiSunNorth Vancouver District, British Columbia, Canada

in captivity as a show-and-tell bird at the

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