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0 0 Spotting


by MachiFlorida, USA

White lichen with yellowish/peach sporodochies covering most of the tree. ...

1 1 Blewit


by MachiFlorida, USA

Tan mushroom with pinkish tan cap and stipe.

1 0 Colicwood


by MachiFlorida, USA

Small black berries, white flowers, and glossy leaves

1 0 Spine-waisted Ant

Spine-waisted Ant

by MachiFlorida, USA

Deep red ant with spikes on its abdomen carrying the fruit of Myrsine cubana ...

0 0 Spotting


by MachiFlorida, USA

Crematogaster or termite nest?

1 0 Florida Swampprivet

Florida Swampprivet

by MachiFlorida, USA

There were almost no leaves on this tree, but there were a couple and some ...

1 0 Florida Swampprivet

Florida Swampprivet

by MachiFlorida, USA

Dioecious plant (compare photos 1 & 2), small bluish drupes (photo 3 shows a ...

4 3 Southern Black Racer Eggs

Southern Black Racer Eggs

by MachiHomosassa, Florida, United States

I saw 3 or 4 of these on the ground, all already hatched. You can see the neat ...

0 0 Honey Locust

Honey Locust

by MachiFlorida, USA

My first time ever seeing this plant in Citrus County. It has woody stems with ...

2 1 Grizzled Mantid Ootheca

Grizzled Mantid Ootheca

by MachiFlorida, USA

Small matid ootheca (egg case) in a hole on the palm tree that it fit almost ...

0 0 Shoehorn Oyster

Shoehorn Oyster

by MachiFlorida, USA

Crowded, decurrent gills. Stipe either located at the center or off to the ...

0 0 Olive-green Swamp Grasshopper

Olive-green Swamp Grasshopper

by MachiFlorida, USA

Large brown grasshopper with a dark stripe on each side.

0 4 Acorn Nectriaceae Fungi

Acorn Nectriaceae Fungi

by MachiFlorida, USA

Nectriaceae. It looks a bit like slime mold, but it lacks plasmodium and it has ...

4 0 Giant Milkweed Bug

Giant Milkweed Bug

by MachiFlorida, USA

They were all clustered together, but I don't think any were mating. One of ...

1 1 Wild Coffee

Wild Coffee

by MachiFlorida, USA

These were quite plentiful alongside the

2 0 Streaked Arrow Grass

Streaked Arrow Grass

by MachiFlorida, USA

The flowers are a very pale lavender color, more like a tuft of fuzzy hairs ...

0 0 Water Hyssop

Water Hyssop

by MachiFlorida, USA

Succulent, rounded leaves. There were a few small clumps of these in this spot ...

2 2 Hairy-topped Polypore

Hairy-topped Polypore

by MachiFlorida, USA

The first two photos show the top and underside of a more mature specimen, and ...

0 0 Wood Blewit

Wood Blewit

by MachiFlorida, USA

Usually purple, I was surprised to discover these are blewits. I think they ...

2 1 Shoestring Fern

Shoestring Fern

by MachiHomosassa, Florida, United States

Though it looks more like a grass, this is actually a fern. When they are just ...

2 0 Corkystem Passionflower

Corkystem Passionflower

by MachiFlorida, USA

One of the smallest if not the smallest species in the genus, at least fruit ...

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