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0 1 Clavulinopsis


by nico4nicolasTerengganu, Malaysia

0 0 Hongo


by eesquivelriosPanamá, Panama

0 1 Coral mushroom

Coral mushroom

by CEJMaryland, USA

Backyard. Forest Floor.

1 0 Golden Spindles

Golden Spindles

by DianneFrostSouth Carolina, USA

0 0 club fungus

club fungus

by AudreyRogers-WarrenSudbury, Ontario, Canada

I think this is clavulinopsis helvola but ...

2 8 Club Fungus

Club Fungus

by ceherzogRosman, North Carolina, USA

1 0 Golden Spindles

Golden Spindles

by emad.talismanHalifax Regional Municipality, Nova Scotia, Canada

0 0 Orange Club Fungus

Orange Club Fungus

by sagood08West Virginia, USA

4 0 Golden Spindle

Golden Spindle

by Tom15Princeton, Massachusetts, USA

0 0 Spindle Coral

Spindle Coral

by svasteriasWest Virginia, USA

Temperate, deciduous forest.

0 0 Golden Spindles

Golden Spindles

Michigan, USA

3 2 Golden Spindles

Golden Spindles

by Christine Y.Connecticut, USA

Growing in a small cluster. Fruiting bodies were bright yellow, cylindrical, ...

10 1 Spindle-shaped Fairy Club

Spindle-shaped Fairy Club

by Christine Y.Connecticut, USA

Fruiting bodies were bright yellow with darker tips, cylindrical, and ...

0 0 Club or fan sp.

Club or fan sp.

by rat.tumourHigh Peak, England, United Kingdom

Maybe Clavulinopsis sp. or Spathularia sp. ...

6 2 Orange Spindle Coral Fungi

Orange Spindle Coral Fungi

by Jason AlexanderJawa Barat, Indonesia

Saprobe, about 4cm tall..

2 2 Yellow Coral Fungus

Yellow Coral Fungus

by Noel BuensucesoWashington, USA

Yellow, finger-like fungi with a maximum length of 2 cm.

1 0 Clavulinopsis amoena

Clavulinopsis amoena

by CharliePriceDevonport, Tasmania, Australia

3cm smooth club like structures in groups , very bright yellow , soft and dry ...

1 0 Clavulinopsis amoena

Clavulinopsis amoena

by CharliePriceLaunceston, Tasmania, Australia

bright yellow clubs and also longer single clubs as well as clustered clubs ...

0 0 Golden spindles

Golden spindles

by WillPollardNew Jersey, USA

Along the trail in a wooded area.

1 0 Club Fungus

Club Fungus

by ThatBlueEyedGirlBlairsville, Georgia, USA

Coosa Backcountry Trail

2 0 Golden Spindles

Golden Spindles

by Christine Y.Connecticut, USA

Growing in tight, dense clusters throughout the forest. Fruiting bodies were ...

3 0 Golden spindles

Golden spindles

by Brian38Federal Way, Washington, USA

About 1 inch long bright yellow clubs mostly grouped together.

2 5 Yellow Spindles

Yellow Spindles

by rat.tumourHigh Peak, England, United Kingdom

Clavulinopsis sp.? Clavaria?

0 0 Hongos Amarillos

Hongos Amarillos

by JonathanSequeiraHeredia, Costa Rica

Very small fungus, it grows directly into the forest litter..

0 0 Golden Spindle Mushroom

Golden Spindle Mushroom

by Elton_WizardPennsylvania, USA

Bright golden color, less than 2 inches high. Growing in clusters.

4 0 Golden Spindles

Golden Spindles

by DianneFrostNorth Carolina, USA

Spotted on Foothills Trail in the Pisgah National Forest, NC

1 0 Meadow Coral

Meadow Coral

by DianneFrostNorth Carolina, USA

Spotted on Foothills Trail in the Pisgah National Forest, NC

0 0 Spindle-shaped yellow coral

Spindle-shaped yellow coral

by flacotechsTexas, USA

Small fungus about 1/4" tall. Bright yellow

5 7 Yellow Coral

Yellow Coral

by J Maine, USA

This is a strange fungus which looked like string cheese growing out of the ...

0 0 Spotting


by rat.tumourHigh Peak, England, United Kingdom

? Clavaria? Clavulinopsis?

0 0 Spotting


by rat.tumourHigh Peak, England, United Kingdom

Mutant Clavulinopsis sp.? Growing on its ...

0 0 White Spindle fungus

White Spindle fungus

by LipaseHigh Peak, England, United Kingdom

a little clavulinopsis or something (along ...

1 0 Handsome Club Fungus

Handsome Club Fungus

by chesterbperryTennessee, USA

Very small coral found in middle of the trail

1 1 Spindle-Shaped Yellow Coral

Spindle-Shaped Yellow Coral

by NickOSaugerties, New York, USA

Mixed woods Appeared to be in leaf litter

2 0 Spindle-shaped Coral fungus

Spindle-shaped Coral fungus

by elaphrusWest Virginia, USA

Oak-hickory forest.

1 0 Yellow Coral

Yellow Coral

by CharliePriceLaunceston, Tasmania, Australia

bright yellow club fungus

3 3 Orange Spindle Coral Mushroom

Orange Spindle Coral Mushroom

by JenKnightLake Toxaway, North Carolina, United States

Bright red-orange, coral like mushroom

12 6 Coral fungus

Coral fungus

by JaeUcluelet, British Columbia, Canada

orange-yellow fruiting bodies, up 3 to 6 cm high, about 1 cm wide, cylindrical ...

1 0 Clavulinopsis sulcata

Clavulinopsis sulcata

by CharliePriceLaunceston, Tasmania, Australia

red/pale - orange/pinkish solitary club 4cm in height, growing in ...

6 2 Meadow Coral

Meadow Coral

by Brian38Washington, USA

A yellow coral fungus about 5 cm tall with most branching near the ends.

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