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0 0 Hongo


by eesquivelriosPanamá, Panama

0 0 Club or fan sp.

Club or fan sp.

by rat.tumourHigh Peak, England, United Kingdom

Maybe Clavulinopsis

2 5 Yellow Spindles

Yellow Spindles

by rat.tumourHigh Peak, England, United Kingdom


5 7 Yellow Coral

Yellow Coral

by J Maine, USA

This is a strange fungus which looked like string cheese growing out of the ...

0 0 Spotting


by rat.tumourHigh Peak, England, United Kingdom

Mutant Clavulinopsis

12 6 Coral fungus

Coral fungus

by JaeUcluelet, British Columbia, Canada

orange-yellow fruiting bodies, up 3 to 6 cm high, about 1 cm wide, cylindrical ...

0 0 White Coral fungus sp.?

White Coral fungus sp.?

by rat.tumour aka lipaseEngland, United Kingdom

Maybe Clavulina rugosa or C.coralloides? clavaria?

9 7 Yellow Spindle species

Yellow Spindle species

by LipaseHigh Peak, England, United Kingdom


0 0 Yellow Spindle?

Yellow Spindle?

by rat.tumour aka lipaseHigh Peak, England, United Kingdom


0 0 Yellow Spindle?

Yellow Spindle?

by LipaseHigh Peak, England, United Kingdom


0 0 Yellow spindle

Yellow spindle

by LipaseHigh Peak, England, United Kingdom


0 1 Yellow spindle?

Yellow spindle?

by rat.tumourHigh Peak, England, United Kingdom

distinguish, with certainty, between C. luteoalba ...

0 0 Yellow Spindle?

Yellow Spindle?

by rat.tumour aka lipaseHigh Peak, England, United Kingdom

distinguish, with certainty, between C. luteoalba ...

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