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1 4 Thick-headed fly.

Thick-headed fly.

by Daniela BracamonteSalta, Salta, Argentina

Family: Conopidae.

5 4 Thick-headed Fly

Thick-headed Fly

by injicaCroatia


6 0 Thick-headed flies

Thick-headed flies

by SckelCariacica, Espírito Santo, Brazil

Picture is not very good, but only managed one shot before this little fly fly ...

23 18 Wasp mimicking fly, Conopid fly

Wasp mimicking fly, Conopid fly

by ToshimiDowakiจังหวัดราชบุรี, Thailand

Approx. 30mm. Stopping over my lens. Not a wasp!

0 2 Conopid fly

Conopid fly

by Ismael ChavesHeredia, Costa Rica

1 0 Conopid fly

Conopid fly

by Ismael ChavesHeredia, Costa Rica

0 1 wasp mimic fly

wasp mimic fly

by Ingrid3Stamford, Connecticut, USA


2 0 Conopid fly

Conopid fly

by Hannah DavisBerlin, Germany


2 0 Parasitic Fly

Parasitic Fly

by MartinUrbanGemeinde Wien, Wien, Austria

Diptera / Conopidae

2 1 Big-headed Fly

Big-headed Fly

by Johan HeynsLesedi Local Municipality, Gauteng, South Africa

Paper wasp mimic (± 13 mm) caught inside the house and released outside.

30 13 Thick-headed Flies Mating

Thick-headed Flies Mating

by Carol Snow Milnepenna, USA

Family: Conopida. Genus: Physocephala. ...

2 3 Thick Headed Fly mimic of a Wasp

Thick Headed Fly mimic of a Wasp

by LaurenZarateChiapas, Mexico

Fly of the Family Conopidae and a very ...

3 7 Syrphid fly

Syrphid fly

by LuisStevensSan Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí, Mexico

Conopidae.. About 20 mm long.

0 0 fly mimics a kinky wasp!

fly mimics a kinky wasp!

by Ingrid3Stamford, Connecticut, USA

fairly large black wasp just under 2cm in length, abruptly angled abdomen, ...

1 2 Paper Wasp Mimic

Paper Wasp Mimic

by LaurenZarateChiapas, Mexico

This wonderful mimic of a Paper Wasp is a fly of the Family

5 3 Thick-headed fly

Thick-headed fly

by Brian38Federal Way, Washington, United States

The thick-headed fly is an amazing wasp mimic. Dark red with black marking and ...

0 1 Thick-headed Fly

Thick-headed Fly

by ForestDragonNew York, USA

About the size of a small wasp. Incredible mimicry of a Thread-waisted wasp. ...

3 1 Wasp mimic 'Thick Headed' fly

Wasp mimic 'Thick Headed' fly

by Mark RidgwayEmerald, Victoria, Australia

About 14mm long.
Looks much like the wasp in pic 5 which turned up at the ...

1 0 Thick-headed fly

Thick-headed fly

by arlandaComunidad de Madrid, Spain

Fly that mimics a solitary wasp. Conopidae ...

0 2 Thick-headed Fly

Thick-headed Fly

by injicaCroatia

Body lengths is between of 8 - 14 mm. The body size depends on the size of the ...

36 15 Thick-headed Flies

Thick-headed Flies

by AnneSorbesBeynat, Limousin, Tromelin Island

Thick-headed Flies (Sicus ferrugineus) on a flower scabious in a wet meadow. ...

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