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1 6 Crust Fungus

Crust Fungus

by injicaZagreb, Croatia

2 0 Crust Fungus

Crust Fungus

by Smith'sZooCape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

1 to 2 cm

1 0 Spotting


by Christine Y.Connecticut, USA

Some kind of crust

0 0 Bleeding Oak crust

Bleeding Oak crust

by tommarquandEngland, United Kingdom


0 0 crust fungus

crust fungus

by LarsKorbSachsenwald, Schleswig-Holstein (Landmasse), Germany

2 1 Spotting


by chesterbperryTennessee, USA


0 1 Spotting


by AnnaWhipkeyWest Lafayette, Indiana, USA


0 0 Spotting


by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA


0 2 Tooth crusted fungus

Tooth crusted fungus

by VivBraznellEngland, United Kingdom

Mixed native woodland

0 0 Orange-pored Crust mushroom

Orange-pored Crust mushroom

by garylincoffNew York City, New York, USA

a bright orange-pored crust

0 0 Crust Fungus

Crust Fungus

by Tom15Groton, Massachusetts, USA

These red crust fungi are found on dead ...

0 0 Crust Fungus

Crust Fungus

by Smith'sZooWestern Cape, South Africa

Growing on dead tree trunk is a wet cold semi shaded area. Semi rural forrest

3 4 Irpex Lacteus Crust Fungus

Irpex Lacteus Crust Fungus

by Christine Y.Connecticut, USA

White crust

3 1 Toothed Crust Fungus

Toothed Crust Fungus

by MachiInverness, Florida, United States

Unusual white polypore fungus with teeth on ...

2 3 crust fungus

crust fungus

by LarsKorbHohenhorn, Schleswig-Holstein (Landmasse), Germany

Silver-greyish, slightly violet crust

0 2 Stereum crust fungus

Stereum crust fungus

by LarsKorbHohenhorn, Schleswig-Holstein (Landmasse), Germany

Adult crust

0 0 Merulian crust fungus

Merulian crust fungus

by Mark RidgwayVictoria, Australia

White crust

0 0 Peniophora incarnata

Peniophora incarnata

by LarsKorbHohenhorn, Schleswig-Holstein (Landmasse), Germany

White/goldy crust

1 2 Hairy Curtain Crust

Hairy Curtain Crust

by RachaelBVictoria, Australia

Orange wavy fungus.

0 0 Spotting


by chesterbperryEast Ridge, Tennessee, USA

Interesting crust

0 0 Hairy Curtain Crust Fungus

Hairy Curtain Crust Fungus

by PeterW-JWales, United Kingdom

Dead wood in forrest

0 0 Spotting


by LipaseHigh Peak, England, United Kingdom

Growing on bark of Rhododendron branch. pore

0 2 Corticioid Fungus or Crust Fungus

Corticioid Fungus or Crust Fungus

by LaurenZarateSan Luis Potosí, Mexico

it is a Corticioid (or "Crust")

2 0 Crust fungi

Crust fungi

by Zlatan CelebicAuvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Tromelin Island

Mainly brown-orange crust

3 3 Crust fungi

Crust fungi

by Zlatan CelebicAuvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Tromelin Island

This fungi forms irregular and wrinkled leathery

4 2 Bleeding oak crust

Bleeding oak crust

by Brian38DuPont, Washington, USA

A shelf fungus with dark red to yellowish ...

2 0 Hairy curtain crust

Hairy curtain crust

by Brian38Federal Way, Washington, USA

Irregular shaped fungus (wavy) and lighter ...

1 0 Wrinkled crust

Wrinkled crust

by Brian38Federal Way, Washington, USA

A pink crust

0 0 fungus


by g1sarah2Madeira Beach, Florida, USA

Spotted growing on a tree stump in a sunny yard. Possible False Turkey-tail, ...

3 0 Purple toothed resupinate fungus

Purple toothed resupinate fungus

by Leuba RidgwayAda, Victoria, Australia

Small patches of pale lilac coloured crust ...

1 3 Irridescent orange crust fungus

Irridescent orange crust fungus

by Mark RidgwayTremont, Victoria, Australia

An incredibly bright orange crust

0 2 Crust Fungus

Crust Fungus

by Smith'sZooWestern Cape, South Africa

very small fungi - 1 cm and less - orange brown rubbery with no pores I could ...

0 0 Crust Fungus with Aphids

Crust Fungus with Aphids

by Smith'sZooWestern Cape, South Africa

± 20 mm fungi growing on rotting tree trunk. Note the aphids present, which I ...

2 1 crust fungus

crust fungus

by BrantMinneapolis, Minnesota, United States

This crust

3 0 Stickpin lichen

Stickpin lichen

by Brian38

Tiny erect fruiting bodies.

0 0 Spotting


by Joseph CHIEF REDEARTHUttarakhand, India

A capstan shaped white fungus with dark ...

0 0 Crowded Parchment

Crowded Parchment

by MachiFlorida, USA

Yellowish crust

1 1 Corticioid fungus

Corticioid fungus

by LeubaMelbourne, Victoria, Australia

Patches of grey lumpy-centred fungus with ...

0 1 Unknown Fungus?

Unknown Fungus?

by ForestDragonIslip, New York, USA

Tentatively placed in Fungi. Off-white colored, firm to the touch,

2 0 False Turkey Tail

False Turkey Tail

by ForestDragonVirginia, USA

Somewhat oyster shaped fungus. Beautiful ...

2 0 cobalt crust fungus

cobalt crust fungus

by AntónioGinjaGinjaSão José de São Lázaro e São João do Souto, Norte, Portugal

Is a saprobic crust

0 0 Brown Toothed Crust

Brown Toothed Crust

by MachiGainesville, Florida, United States

Toothed brown fungus encrusting the ...

4 0 Pale Blue Crust

Pale Blue Crust

by flowntheloopGeorgia, USA

Powder to sky blue crust

3 3 Caramel crust

Caramel crust

by Mark RidgwayAda, Victoria, Australia

A thick and very large crust

2 1 False Turkey Tail

False Turkey Tail

by ForestDragonVirginia, USA

Don't be deceived by this fungus, it is not ...

2 0 Wrinkled Crust

Wrinkled Crust

by Christine Y.Connecticut, USA

This crust

0 0 Common brown tooth oak crust mushroom

Common brown tooth oak crust mushroom

by garylincoffNew York City, New York, USA

a brown crust

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