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14 3 Two Marked Treehopper

Two Marked Treehopper

by beaker98Illinois, USA

Woodland habitat.

0 0 Two-marked treehopper

Two-marked treehopper

by SalticusMichigan, USA

Hanging out on plant, near Huron river

2 1 Two-marked treehopper

Two-marked treehopper

by BiophileBUrbana, Illinois, USA

Collected on American redbud (Cercis canadensis).

14 2 Two Marked Treehopper

Two Marked Treehopper

by stephanielrickmanGeneseo, Illinois, USA

wooded area next to a cornfield

1 0 Treehopper


by JuanDiTraniColón, Panama, Panama

0 0 Twomarked Treehopper

Twomarked Treehopper

by Ignacio GamboaSan José, Costa Rica

3 3 Two-Marked Treehopper

Two-Marked Treehopper

by asergioAraucária, Paraná, Brazil

Another hopper

4 2 Two-marked Treehopper

Two-marked Treehopper

by JaredTCalvertKentucky, USA

Thorn-mimic treehopper.

3 0 Two-marked Treehopper

Two-marked Treehopper

by RickLampmanBattle Creek, Michigan, USA

6 4 Twomarked Treehopper

Twomarked Treehopper

by Felix FleckVeracruz de Ignacio de la Llave, Mexico

the species its name. E. binotata is ...

6 4 Two-marked Treehopper

Two-marked Treehopper

by LaurenZarate

Tiny little Two-marked Treehoppers were found on a bush above a creek. The ...

0 1 Twomarked Treehopper

Twomarked Treehopper

by AnnaWhipkeyIndiana, USA

black hopper

6 4 Two-marked Treehopper

Two-marked Treehopper

by LuisStevensSan Luis Potosí, Mexico

Very glad to find this "new" treehopper.

0 0 Treehopper


by FuruyCiudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Short horn, very dark color, red eyes.

48 42 Treehopper


by LaurenZarateApas, Chiapas, Mexico

This really cute little Treehopper is only 5 mm long and looks like the ...

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