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0 0 Spotting


by alidamariaSan Diego, California, USA


2 4 Koi


by KarenPEncinitas, California, USA

Gardens, Swami's in Encinitas,

7 0 Mourning Cloak Butterfly

Mourning Cloak Butterfly

by KarenPEncinitas, California, USA

I found this Mourning Cloak butterfly on an urban trail in

0 1 Spotting


by CurtisSan Diego, California, USA

Park Trail- Encinitas,

0 2 Lantana


by KarenPEncinitas, California, USA

I found this lantana in bloom at the Self realization meditation gardens,

0 0 Blue Dragonfly (boreal bluet)

Blue Dragonfly (boreal bluet)

by MichelleLadburyBenvenutoEncinitas, California, USA

San Diego Botanical Gardens in Encinitas, ...

3 0 Mexican Sunflower

Mexican Sunflower

by KarenPSan Diego, California, USA

This Mexican Sunflower plant was in full bloom at the San Diego Botanic Garden, ...

2 1 Singapore Shower tree

Singapore Shower tree

by KarenPSan Diego, California, USA

This Singapore Shower tree was in full bloom in the San Diego Botanic Gardens, ...

1 1 Fried Egg Flower (Matilija Poppy)

Fried Egg Flower (Matilija Poppy)

by KarenPEncinitas, California, USA

Found a few fried egg flowers on the south side of

2 3 California Spiny Lobster- exoskeletons

California Spiny Lobster- exoskeletons

by KarenPEncinitas, California, USA

California Spiny Lobster exoskeletons on the beach in

1 2 Western Black Widow (Male)

Western Black Widow (Male)

by holly.gillardSan Diego, California, USA

Santee lakes, CA.

2 2 Spotting


by KarenPSan Diego, California, USA

I found this spider along the trail in the San Diego Botanic Gardens in

0 0 Spotting


by CindyBinghamKeiserEncinitas, California, USA

All black bee with brown markings on wings.

1 1 Cape Balsam (Tiny Tangerine)

Cape Balsam (Tiny Tangerine)

by KarenPEncinitas, California, USA

I found this Cape Balsam (Tiny Tangerine) in San Diego Botanic Gardens, ...

0 0 Britton Dudleya

Britton Dudleya

by KarenPSan Diego, California, USA

A succulent with white- green chalky leaves. San Diego Botanic Gardens,

0 0 Brown Pelicans

Brown Pelicans

by greenishfroggyEncinitas, California, USA

Beautiful "prehistoric" birds that majestically fly overhead in huge groups.

3 1 Chocolate daisy flower

Chocolate daisy flower

by KarenPSan Diego, California, USA

I found this chocolate daisy flower growing in the San Diego Botanic Gardens, ...

1 2 Gulf Fritillary

Gulf Fritillary

by sunnyjayEncinitas, California, USA

It had lighted upon a passion flower blossom, August 27, 2011, in

5 5 Chiton


by KarenPEncinitas, California, USA

in Encinitas,

6 7 Botta's Pocket Gopher

Botta's Pocket Gopher

by KarenPEncinitas, California, USA

Another family spotted this pocket gopher poking his head out of his borough ...

7 0 Blue Glow Agave- hybird

Blue Glow Agave- hybird

by KarenPEncinitas, California, USA

I found this Blue Glow Agave literally glowing in the afternoon December sun. ...

3 0 West Coast Lady

West Coast Lady

by KarenPEncinitas, California, USA

's, Encinitas,

0 4 Redlead Roundhead

Redlead Roundhead

by KarenPSan Diego, California, USA

Encintias, CA.

0 1 Bonaparte's Gull

Bonaparte's Gull

by KarenPSan Diego, California, USA

I spotted this Bonaparte's gull just north of Moon Light Beach in Encintias, ...

0 0 Rain beetle (female)

Rain beetle (female)

by KarenPEncinitas, California, USA

I found this female rain beetle hurrying across the trail from the parking lot ...

0 2 Harlequin Bug

Harlequin Bug

by CindyBinghamKeiserEncinitas, California, USA

Black, red, white and orange stink bug. This was deep in bushes so I couldn't ...

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