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Planta epifita, del bosque tropical.
Plabta epifita usualmente muy colorida.
Esta orquídea por lo general la vemos en jardines, y exposiciones.
Epiphyte and occasional lithophyte orchid from cloud forest (ltitudes of 900 to ...
Orchid. The flower measures aprox. 1.5 centimeters or less.
Epiphyte that's usually found on cypress trees and can have multiple blooms at ...
Epiphytic orchid found in mesic hammocks in the Tampa Bay region of Florida.
Epifita del bosque seco con pseudobulbos bifoliados
El labelum de esta orquídea tiene un color lila
Photo take in a jungle path find this orchid grow high on a tree around 3 mt ...
Fácil de reconocer cuando está en floriacion por su fragancia dulce.
Planta terrestre o epifita de bosque húmedos, una mas a la que recientemente ...
Very small orchids, each flower about an inch, blooming in three places of the ...
Part of my mother's collection. First photo is a stitch from 4 different shots ...