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1 1 Geometridea, Ennominae

Geometridea, Ennominae

by IrungbamJatishworSinghThimphu, Bhutan

Geometridea, ennominae, myrteta sericius

2 0 Geometridae, Ennominae

Geometridae, Ennominae

by IrungbamJatishworSinghརྩི་རང་རྫོང་ཁག་, Bhutan

- Zanclopera falcata, Geometridae,

1 0 Geometridae, Ennominae

Geometridae, Ennominae

by Jatishwor Singh IrungbamBhutan

Geometridae, Ennominae, Cyclidia rectificala

2 1 Geometridae, Ennominae,

Geometridae, Ennominae,

by IrungbamJatishworSinghརྩི་རང་རྫོང་ཁག་, Bhutan

3 0 Spotting


by Eduardo Axel Recillas BautistaHidalgo, Mexico


2 4 Geometrid Moth

Geometrid Moth

by NuwanChathurangaAlawwa, Sri Lanka

Borbacha sp. - Geometridae, Ennominae.

0 0 Emerald Moth

Emerald Moth

by DBSalta, Salta, Argentina

Family: Geometridae. Sub-family: Ennominae.

3 0 Geometrid moth

Geometrid moth

by NuwanChathurangaWestern Province, Sri Lanka

Geometridae, Ennominae - Ectropis sp.

1 0 Geometridae-Ennominae


by IrungbamJatishworSinghThimphu, Bhutan

40 - 50 mm wingspan.

4 0 Geometridae


by IrungbamJatishworSinghThimphu, Bhutan

Geometridae Ennominae Obeidia near lucifera

3 0 Geometrid Moth

Geometrid Moth

by IrungbamJatishworSinghThimphu, Bhutan

Geometrid Moth (Antipercnia belluaria,

9 2 Geometridae


by IrungbamJatishworSinghBhutan

Visited during the lights of Deepavali. Geometridae,

2 0 Geometrid moth

Geometrid moth

by NuwanChathurangaRatnapura, Sabaragamuwa Province, Sri Lanka

Geometridae, Ennominae, Cleora sp.

0 0 Geometrid Moth

Geometrid Moth

by Francisco RamírezVeracruz, Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave, Mexico

Geometridae: Ennominae

1 0 Geometrid Moth

Geometrid Moth

by Francisco RamírezVeracruz, Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave, Mexico

Geometridae: Ennominae

1 0 Geometrid Moth

Geometrid Moth

by Francisco RamírezVeracruz, Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave, Mexico

Geometridae: Ennominae: Ourapterygini

0 1 Ennominae...


by IrungbamJatishworSinghརྩི་རང་རྫོང་ཁག་, Bhutan

Sub tropical Broad-leaved forest, 1305 m MSL altitude.

3 2 Moth


by LeanneGardnerMackay, Queensland, Australia

Around 3.5cm wingspan.

1 0 Geometrid moth

Geometrid moth

by NuwanChathurangaAlawwa, Sri Lanka

Geometridae, Ennominae, Cassymini - ...

1 1 Geometridae,


by AlthaSwiegersLiebenbergMookgopong Local Municipality, Limpopo, South Africa

3 2 Geometridae


by IrungbamJatishworSinghBhutan

Krananda sp. Geometridae, Ennominae

2 0 Geometridae


by IrungbamJatishworSinghBhutan

Fascellina plagiata, Ennominae

0 0 Geometridae,


by AlthaSwiegersLiebenbergMookgopong Local Municipality, Limpopo, South Africa

3 2 Geometrid moth

Geometrid moth

by Sergio MonteiroCuritiba, Paraná, Brazil

3 2 Fall Cankerworm

Fall Cankerworm

by JakubkoGreenville, New York, USA

Maybe an Ennominae??

3 0 Geometrid moth

Geometrid moth

by Sergio MonteiroCuritiba, Paraná, Brazil



by AlthaSwiegersLiebenbergMookgopong Local Municipality, Limpopo, South Africa

0 0 Geometridae,


by AlthaSwiegersLiebenbergMookgopong Local Municipality, Limpopo, South Africa

2 1 Geometer Moth

Geometer Moth

by NuwanChathurangaAlawwa, Sri Lanka

Geometridae, Ennominae,Chiasmia sp.

0 0 Geometrid moth

Geometrid moth

by NuwanChathurangaDeniyaya, Sri Lanka

Geometridae, Ennominae, Calletaera sp.

0 2 Geometrid moth

Geometrid moth

by Sergio MonteiroSão Francisco do Sul, SC, Brazil

1 2 Geometride Moth

Geometride Moth

by DrNamgyalT.SherpaGangtok, Sikkim, India

0 0 Geometrid Moth

Geometrid Moth

by KdonGalayIfugao, Philippines

0 0 Geometrid Moth

Geometrid Moth

by LindaAlistoBaguio, Benguet, Philippines

Urban garden

0 0 Geometridae, Ennominae

Geometridae, Ennominae

by Jatishwor Singh Irungbamརྩི་རང་རྫོང་ཁག་, Bhutan

1 1 Moth


by Marta RubioTexeiraCartago, Costa Rica


1 2 Moth


by Marta RubioTexeiraCartago, Costa Rica

Paraiso Quetzal.

0 2 Geometrid moth

Geometrid moth

by VivBraznellจังหวัดนครศรีธรรมราช, Thailand

Pale yellow winged moth

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