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0 0 Giant Prickly Stick Insect

Giant Prickly Stick Insect

by MartinUrbanWien, Wien, Austria

Australische Gespenstschrecke

1 0 Spiny Leaf insect

Spiny Leaf insect

by Benno IboldNordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

Male 12 cm, female 10 cm, lightbrown color

1 8 Macleays phasmid (female)

Macleays phasmid (female)

by ShannaBAdelaide, South Australia, Australia

Seen at Adelaide Zoo. Thanks to martinl for the ID.

1 0 Spiny Leaf Insect

Spiny Leaf Insect

by LakesideScottLawrence, Kansas, USA

University of Kansas Natural History Museum, living specimen

2 2 Spiny leaf insect

Spiny leaf insect

by Natalie5Victoria, Australia

Spiny leaf insect

3 5 Spiny Leaf Insect

Spiny Leaf Insect

by Andrea LimCairns, Queensland, Australia

Juvenile leaf insect (had wing buds), body length approx 10 cms. As a defense ...

10 10 Spiny Leaf Insect (male)

Spiny Leaf Insect (male)

by AndreaLimCairns, Queensland, Australia

Large stick insect to 22cms. I lay perfectly still to remain undetected. Legs ...

3 5 spiny leaf insect exuvia

spiny leaf insect exuvia

by martinlMelbourne, Victoria, Australia

This is the empty shell case (exuvia) of the spiny leaf stick insect. They ...

10 11 Hatching spiny leaf insect

Hatching spiny leaf insect

by martinlMelbourne, Victoria, Australia

This tiny stick insect is emerging from its capsule. The egg has a small cap ...

11 1 Australian Walking Stick

Australian Walking Stick

by Benno IboldAlpen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany


10 7 Spiny leaf insect

Spiny leaf insect

by martinlVictoria, Australia

A young female spiny stick insect has flattened leg sections and curled over ...

3 4 Spiny leaf insect hatchling

Spiny leaf insect hatchling

by martinlMelbourne, Victoria, Australia

A first instar (hatchling) stick insect with red head and curled abdomen is an ...

5 3 Spiny leaf insect male

Spiny leaf insect male

by martinlVictoria, Australia

Thin, brown, winged phasmid highly mimetic of a dry stick. Images of molting ...

40 21 Spiny leaf Insect

Spiny leaf Insect

by martinlVictoria, Australia

A dead leaf. Oh no! Its a stick insect (actually imitating a leaf) This is a ...

46 24 Spiny Leaf Insect

Spiny Leaf Insect

by ScottHarteCardstone, Queensland, Australia

Found this small (5cm) leaf insect (stick insect) in the rainforest at night ...

12 7 Spiny Leaf Insect

Spiny Leaf Insect

by ScottHarteQueensland, Australia

Found this little guy during the day in the same tree as the one I found the ...

5 5 Giant Prickly Stick Insect

Giant Prickly Stick Insect

by SusanEllisonHouston, Texas, USA

Female adult E. tiaratum are covered with ...

21 31 Spiny leaf insect (Macleay's Phasmid)

Spiny leaf insect (Macleay's Phasmid)

by martinlVictoria, Australia

Highly mimetic of dry briar leaves. This female has no wings. This brown ...

2 6 Stick insect eggs

Stick insect eggs

by martinlVictoria, Australia

Various eggs of stick insects. Ova (Eggs) imitate seeds, as their parents ...

5 6 Stick insect,Bicho pau

Stick insect,Bicho pau

by AntónioGinjaGinjaBraga, Portugal

the head of a female Extatosoma

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