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2 1 Earwig


by NuwanChathurangaසබරගමුව පළාත, Sri Lanka


0 0 Doru Earwig

Doru Earwig

by Francisco Ramírez

Dermaptera: Forficulidae

0 0 European Earwig

European Earwig

by KeithRoragenOmaha, Nebraska, USA

About 13mm long

0 1 Earwig


by AlbertTamayoPhilippines

Earwigs are nocturnal; they often hide in small, moist crevices during the day, ...

0 0 European Earwig

European Earwig

by KostasZontanosΑποκεντρωμένη Διοίκηση Μακεδονίας - Θράκης, Greece

European earwig on kermes oak (Quercus coccifera).

1 0 Lined Earwig

Lined Earwig

by Anh TuanThành phố Sa Đéc, Đồng Tháp, Viet Nam

Body lenght 14 mm

0 0 Common Earwig (Bicha-cadela)

Common Earwig (Bicha-cadela)

by R.GarciaPortugal

wings"), Family Forficulidae. They possess ...

1 0 Yellow-jacketed Earwig

Yellow-jacketed Earwig

by StephenSolomonsBateau Bay, New South Wales, Australia

This species identification is based on images from The Bug Guide (see ref) ...

3 1 Spotting


by m.prasad.369Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Length : ~3cm Season : rainy season Time : 3.30am 29May2021 Frequency : very ...

1 0 European Earwig

European Earwig

by TajMAHALBenguet, Philippines

Earwigs are small insects that have a distinctive feature: a pincer(cerci). ...

4 4 European Earwig, immature stages

European Earwig, immature stages

by ForestDragonNew York, USA

Distinctly shaped insect with a long body and abdominal forceps. Immature ...

0 1 European Earwig (female)

European Earwig (female)

by BugEricColorado Springs, Colorado, USA

Medium-sized insect with prominent cerci ("pincers") at the rear of the ...

1 0 Earwig infected by fungus

Earwig infected by fungus

by Sergio MonteiroCuritiba, PR, Brazil

Earwigs are insects that are characterized by having at the tip of the abdomen ...

0 0 Strange Earwig

Strange Earwig

by LaurenZarateChiapas, Mexico

, Chiapas (see reference). Order Dermaptera, Family

1 3 earwig


by srcbennettMurray, Utah, USA

Forficula auricularia; Family -

1 0 European Earwig

European Earwig

by jttip79Louisville, Kentucky, USA

Forficulidae. The European earwig is a ...

0 0 European Earwig

European Earwig

by KatKilouekaAvalon, California, USA

insect in the family Forficulidae. The ...

1 6 Earwig


by Neil RossBrisbane, Queensland, Australia

cosmopolitan family Forficulidae that has ...

0 0 Earwig


by dhmcclanahanAcworth, Georgia, USA

Forficulidae. The European earwig survives ...

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