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0 0 Spotting


by LuisStevensSan Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí, Mexico

Open fruiting

0 1 Spotting


by AdrianTasmania, Australia

Bright orange, thread-like fruiting

6 2 Liverworts


by Jonathan SequeiraHeredia, Puntarenas, Costa Rica

Liverwort with fruiting

1 4 Red fruiting body

Red fruiting body

by SaurabhNitishMinzCoimbatore, Tamil Nādu, India

0 2 Lichen


by LatimeriaLowell, Ohio, USA

Gray lichen with black fruiting

0 0 Spotting


by Tokio真岡市 (Mooka), 関東 (Kanto Region), Japan

Small seed or some fruiting

0 0 Rose hips

Rose hips

by PennyBruceEngland, United Kingdom


0 0 grasshopper


Fruit Heights, Utah, USA

six long legs, leaf like body

0 0 Spotting


by Kat G

A moss showing fruiting

0 5 Magnolia seed casing

Magnolia seed casing

by AliShiekhRawalpindi, پنجاب, Pakistan

A magnolia seed casing

2 0 Fruiting bodies

Fruiting bodies

by Hema ShahConcord, California, USA

Another set of fruiting

23 13 Anise Fruiting Body

Anise Fruiting Body

by Sinobug普洱市 (Pu'er), 云南省, Paracel Islands

The fruiting

0 2 Viburnum


by Emma Fresno, California, USA

this is for the fruiting

0 0 Spotting


by lsf1120Tennessee, USA

Yellow fruiting

1 2 Japanese Wisteria

Japanese Wisteria

by Tokio結城市, 関東 (Kanto Region), Japan

A type of fruit

0 0 Large cuckoo pint

Large cuckoo pint

by PennyBruceEngland, United Kingdom


1 3 Spotting


by TokioMelbourne, Florida, USA

A fruiting

0 0 Moss fruiting bodies

Moss fruiting bodies

by auntnance123Florida, USA

spotted on old maple log at edge of hammock area

1 0 Hare's Ear fungus

Hare's Ear fungus

by rat.tumour aka lipaseEngland, United Kingdom


2 3 Juniper moss

Juniper moss

by staccyhScotland, United Kingdom

The second photo shows the fruiting

0 0 False Solomon's Seal

False Solomon's Seal

by coyoteowlwomanRidgely, Maryland, USA

Adkins Arboretum, fruiting

0 3 Spotting


by VivBraznellจังหวัดนครศรีธรรมราช, Thailand

Insect. Narrow body. Approximately 1" in ...

0 2 Spotting


by jesloweryOhio, USA

Mixed woodland by a creek.

0 1 Spotting


by TravisAnthonyVirginia, USA

Large pink fruiting

1 0 Moss


by JenKnightNorth Carolina, USA

Sporophytes are the fruiting

0 0 Dog Vomit Slime Mould

Dog Vomit Slime Mould

by AlexanderSteinOregon, USA

A member of the Amoebozoan Kingdom/Phylum. The

0 0 Smoky Polypore

Smoky Polypore

by antondazombOntario, Canada

: Inedible Fungal note: Fruit

0 0 Spotting


by AlexanderSteinBloomington, Indiana, USA

the top of the fruiting

0 0 Spotting


by AlexanderSteinBloomington, Indiana, USA

rest of the fruiting

2 1 Strawberry Tree

Strawberry Tree

by AlexanderSteinOregon, USA

This tree has a firm fruiting

2 0 Fruit Flies

Fruit Flies

by Andrea LimCairns, Queensland, Australia

Small flies, mating, body length 3mm.

1 1 Spotting


by JumpingSpider22San Diego, California, USA

Fruit Dove with a white

1 0 Fruit Fly

Fruit Fly

by MachiCape Elizabeth, Maine, United States

Fruit fly with a yellowish-tan

0 0 Stinkhorn


by mmechtleyLake Mills, Wisconsin


0 0 Spotting


by brettpimOttawa, Ontario, Canada

Small coral mushroom. Many small fruiting ...

0 0 Cup Fungi

Cup Fungi

by scott5Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Skin like fruiting

0 0 Spotting


by AlexanderSteinOregon, USA

A fungus with brown fruiting

0 0 Peg Lichen

Peg Lichen

by Greg Shchepanek

Similar to British soldiers(Cladonia cristatella) but with brown

1 1 Peg Lichen

Peg Lichen

by Greg Shchepanek

Similar to British soldiers but with brown

0 0 Common Stinkhorn egg

Common Stinkhorn egg

by LarsKorbSchönstedt, Freistaat Thüringen, Germany

The immature fruiting

0 0 Crater Lichen

Crater Lichen

by Greg Shchepanek

Greyish white crustose lichen with small black crater like

0 0 Wooden Soldiers

Wooden Soldiers

by Greg Shchepanek

Similar to British Soldiers but with brown

0 0 Rose hip

Rose hip

by PennyBruceEngland, United Kingdom

Rose hip on a dog rose

0 0 Spotting


by rat.tumour aka lipaseHigh Peak, England, United Kingdom

two different fruiting

0 0 Spotted lady's thumb

Spotted lady's thumb

by kunzahNew York, USA

Hot pink fruiting

2 2 Spotting


by MichaelWarren36450, Western Australia, Australia

Golf ball size spiky fruiting

1 0 Red saucer

Red saucer

by JudyWeilerAlberta, Canada

Humariaceae with sessile cup and saucer shaped

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