A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Low spreading annual herb; leaves ovate with strongly serrated margins; flowers ...
Kalochori lagoon and Gallikos
Female Eurasian kestrel.
Greek name: Αλκυόνη.
Great crested grebe with fish prey.
Greek name: Ερωδιός ο τεφρόχρους. Greek common name: Σταχτοτσικνιάς.
Greek name: Φαλακροκόραξ ο πυγμαίος. Greek common name: Λαγγόνα.
Kalochori lagoon and Gallikos
A male Eurasian widgeon.
Greek name: Ράλλος ο φίλυδρος. Greek common name: Νεροκοτσέλα.
Greek name: Φαλακροκόραξ ο πυγμαίος. Greek common name: Λαγγόνα.
Greek name: Κορμοράνος
Northern Pintail. Photos 1-3: females. Photos 4-5: males.
Female western marsh harrier.
Reed bed in river estuary.
Reed bed in river estuary.
River estuaries.
Greek common name: Κιρκίρι.
I believe it might be the subspecies Emberiza schoeniclus reiseri, but I'm not ...
Greater white-fronted goose wintering in Northern Greece.
Greek common name: Ψαλίδα.
A juvenile great cormorant drying its wings.
Female western marsh harrier.
1st photo: At the top female, at the bottom male. 2nd photo: Male.
Greek common name: Αργυροτσικνιάς.
Black-headed gull changing into breeding plumage.
Juvenile (1st winter) yellow-legged gull.
Tidal marsh in river estuary.
A large (26-30 inches) duck, the male Northern Pintail is most easily ...
Larger than most ducks but smaller than geese, shelducks are colorful birds and ...
The Spanish sparrow or willow sparrow (Passer hispaniolensis) is a passerine ...
This is an unusual bunting because the sexes appear similar in plumage, ...
This is an unusual bunting because the sexes appear similar in plumage, ...
1st photo: In the foreground a male northern shoveler (Anas clypeata). In the ...