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0 2 Stereum


by LuisStevensCalifornia, USA

Fungus attached to a trunk. Genus

0 0 Curtain Crust

Curtain Crust

by Tim SageShoreline, Washington, USA

Common Genus containing some false Turkey ...

1 3 wax fungus

wax fungus

by AlexKonigHeerlen, Limburg, Netherlands

distinct genus for the bleeding species of ...

0 0 Stereum Fungus

Stereum Fungus

by BudShinallBristol, USA

distinct genus for the bleeding species of ...

2 0 False turkey-tail

False turkey-tail

by DespinaTsafetopoulouΘεσσαλία - Στερεά Ελλάδα, Greece

in the genus

2 0 False Turkey Tail

False Turkey Tail

by SarahHiteWhittWest Virginia, USA

in the genus

1 0 False turkey tail

False turkey tail

by Brian38Federal Way, Washington, USA

in the genus

0 0 Silver leaf fungus

Silver leaf fungus

by AntónioGinjaGinjaBraga, Portugal

purpureum. It attacks most species of the rose family Rosaceae, particularly ...



by Gljivarsko drustvo NisЦентрална Србија, Serbia

Poliporales, while classified in the genus ...

1 0 Eastern Red Columbine

Eastern Red Columbine

by SarahHiteWhittWest Virginia, USA

yellow flowers. It readily hybridizes with other species in the

0 0 Silverleaf Fungus

Silverleaf Fungus

by AlexKonigLandgraaf, Limburg, Netherlands

purpureum. It attacks most species of the rose family Rosaceae, particularly ...

2 4 yellow brain

yellow brain

by arlandaO Saviñao, Galicia, Spain

Known as the yellow brain, the golden jelly fungus, the yellow trembler, and ...

4 0 big - golden jelly fungus

big - golden jelly fungus

by AlexKonigHorst aan de Maas, Limburg, Netherlands

The fruit body has an irregular shape, and usually breaks through the bark of ...

2 0 golden jelly fungus

golden jelly fungus

by AlexKonigHorst aan de Maas, Limburg, Netherlands

The fruit body has an irregular shape, and usually breaks through the bark of ...

0 0 orange mushroom eater- mold

orange mushroom eater- mold

by AlexKonigHorst aan de Maas, Limburg, Netherlands

, Ramaria, Schizophyllum, Schizopora,

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