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1 0 Crambid Moth

Crambid Moth

by NuwanChathurangaAlawwa, Sri Lanka


2 0 Grass moth

Grass moth

by Nature_ObserverNugegoda, Western Province, Sri Lanka

0 1 Crambid Moth

Crambid Moth

by ChiefRedEarthThiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

3 0 Crambidae


by IrungbamJatishworSinghBhutan

Spilomelinae within Crambidae

3 1 Crambid Moth

Crambid Moth

by VincentVanurKerala, India

This is a tiny one

2 0 Jaffa Moth

Jaffa Moth

by LeanneGardnerQLD, Australia

1.5cm wingspan. Pale orange wings with curvy dark lines running through them.

3 10 Pearl Moth

Pearl Moth

by thewndrrDiyaduwa, Southern Province, Sri Lanka


0 0 Pearl Moth

Pearl Moth

by thewndrrDiyaduwa, Southern Province, Sri Lanka


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