A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Tennis ball sized mushroom in a shaded bedding of spruce pulvinus
Heart shaped leaves that appear to be growing out of the ground individually.
Opaque, hollow jellyfish with no markings on the bell. It has short tentacles,
White jellyfish with yellow-white underside that looks like a sponge. The video ...
Yellow-green aquatic plant exposed with high tide. The tides are 20 feet in ...
Fly with long hairs on the abdomen. The thorax has black, brown and white.
This fly is black and tan with black spots on the abdomen.
Base of aquatic plant. Not sure what it's made of.
Tall Shaggy Ink Caps hiding in the tall grass along a road in
Orange Sea Star. The madreporite is visible in the second image. Madreporite is ...
Black fly with orange on the base of the wings. "In wild forested areas, eggs ...
Blue damselfly with stripe across eye. The abdomen has black bands. The thorax ...
Green plant bug with brown on wing ends.
Green sawfly. It nearly got eaten by a Harvestmen as seen in the last image.
Dragonfly with black abdomen. The hairs on the thorax are tan, the eyes are ...
Tan spider with egg sac attached to the abdomen. The sac is tan with a white ...
Yellow sawfly with black markings on the head and thorax. Tribe: Tenthredinini
Tan Crane Fly emerging from its pupal case. The abdomen is still partially in ...
This whale was spotted while we were on the rocky beach. It was swimming in ...
Dark arachnid with light markings on end of the abdomen.
Hoverfly with thick, yellow bands across the abdomen that are broken by a black ...
Small red mite about 4 mm long. The head is tapered and I don't see any eyes. ...
Small crab with bow tie mark on top of carapace. This little one was found dead ...
Young eagle in the huge nest. It is brown with light feathers on the neck. When ...
This plant is not in flower but the symmetry is just a beautiful. "Cow Parsnip ...
White flower on large bush about 7 ft tall. The leaves are fuzzy
Brown spider with dark pattern on top. "Males have a large spur or "horn" ...
Bush with orange berries. When in blossom, the flowers are magenta.
The brown bear is a large bear distributed across much of northern Eurasia and ...