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1 2 The Bedstraw Hawk

The Bedstraw Hawk

by frankdaalestrupRegion Midtjylland, Denmark

In denish: Snerresværmer (Hyles

1 0 Bedstraw Hawkmoth Caterpillar

Bedstraw Hawkmoth Caterpillar

by Oleg MDelta Junction, Alaska, USA

4 5 Bedstraw hawk-moth, galium sphinx/ Бражник подмаренниковый

Bedstraw hawk-moth, galium sphinx/ Бражник подмаренниковый

by IrinaShBol'shoe Zamosh'e, Novgorod Oblast, Russian Federation

Pupa was found in the ground, about 10 cm from the surface.

1 2 Galium Sphinx Caterpillar

Galium Sphinx Caterpillar

by RachelMAlberta, Canada

A caterpillar with a red tail

16 4 Gallium Sphinx Moth

Gallium Sphinx Moth

by Cheryl LeeHartford, Connecticut, USA

Spotted out in the garden on some Oriental Lilies.

2 2 Galium Sphinx

Galium Sphinx

by RiekoSNew York, USA

0 0 Gallium sphinx

Gallium sphinx

by WayneFidlerNew York, USA


0 0 Bedstraw Hawkmoth

Bedstraw Hawkmoth

by turtlesandtombstonesBelchertown, Massachusetts, USA

0 1 Galium Sphinx

Galium Sphinx

by PellegrantMaine, USA

Found at a horse barn

0 0 Galium Sphinx Moth caterpillar

Galium Sphinx Moth caterpillar

by 6tatrodGrand Island, Nebraska, USA

2 3 Bedstraw Hawkmoth

Bedstraw Hawkmoth

by Sheena3Vermont, USA

Swamp, oak, maple, beech.

3 3 Bedstraw Hawk-moth, Gallium Sphinx

Bedstraw Hawk-moth, Gallium Sphinx

by MonikaProkopiukwojewództwo świętokrzyskie, Poland

6 2 Galium Sphinx

Galium Sphinx

by CoreyBlisStarPaquettSault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada

0 0 Bedstraw Hawk-Moth

Bedstraw Hawk-Moth

by Ilkka KivistöFinland

Matarakiitäjä (fin.)

9 4 Gallium Sphinx Caterpillar

Gallium Sphinx Caterpillar

by Hayden2Ontario, Canada

Brown with yellow spots and a red tail.

2 13 Bedstraw Hawkmoth

Bedstraw Hawkmoth

by MattiasLangeNielsenRegion Sjælland, Denmark


0 1 Hyles gallii

Hyles gallii

by doreen.chambers.14Vermont, USA

Black body with white spots. Red horn, red head and behind

1 4 Hyles gallii caterpillar

Hyles gallii caterpillar

by rossinator63New York, USA

A black caterpillar with red head and tail and yellow spots along its sides. ...

6 1 Bedstraw Hawk-Moth or Gallium Sphinx

Bedstraw Hawk-Moth or Gallium Sphinx

by bayuccaSumiswald, Bern - Berne, Switzerland

Bedstraw Hawk-Moth or Gallium Sphinx (Hyles ...

2 5 Bedstraw Hawkmoth

Bedstraw Hawkmoth

by doreen.chambers.14Vermont, USA

Bedstraw Hawkmoth Caterpillar Hyles

1 6 Galium Sphinx Moth

Galium Sphinx Moth

by Cheryl LeeHartford, Connecticut, USA

Never seen these in my garden before this summer. **Thanks to Keith Roragen for ...

2 1 Galium Sphinx

Galium Sphinx

by ShaneSamsaNew York, USA

Small olive-colored moth with bright pink on the lower wings. Flew much like a ...

0 0 Gallium Sphinx Moth

Gallium Sphinx Moth

by Alex25Alberta, Canada


36 27 Bedstraw Hawk-Moth or Gallium Sphinx

Bedstraw Hawk-Moth or Gallium Sphinx

by bayuccaSumiswald, Bern - Berne, Switzerland

Bedstraw Hawk-Moth or Gallium Sphinx (Hyles ...

13 2 Bedstraw Hawk-Moth

Bedstraw Hawk-Moth

by misakoAlaska, USA


0 0 Hyles gallii

Hyles gallii

by ZdzideSadewojewództwo lubelskie, Poland

The Bedstraw Hawk-Moth or Gallium Sphinx (

2 3 Galium Sphinx

Galium Sphinx

by kow10120Missoula, Montana, USA

Found this hawk moth on the side of my house in Missoula, MT today. I pinned it ...

3 5 Gallium sphinx moth caterpillar

Gallium sphinx moth caterpillar

by CarolSnowMilnePennsylvania, USA

Only photo I have of this unique caterpillar. I lost some of my old photos that ...

16 9 Bedstraw Hawkmoth

Bedstraw Hawkmoth

by doreen.chambers.14Vermont, USA

I love the time of the year when the high phlox bloom and the Spinx Moth come ...

14 6 Gallium Sphinx Moth

Gallium Sphinx Moth

by ianmatonCalgary, Alberta, Canada

6.5-9.0 cm wingspan. This is, apparently, the most common Sphinx moth in ...

0 0 Spotting


Iowa, USA

are larva for these caterpillar - Hyles ...

8 0 Gallium Sphinx  Moth

Gallium Sphinx Moth

by daniel.dparsonsFort Collins, Colorado, United States

Forewing upperside is dark olive brown with lighter brown along the outer ...

1 0 Bedstraw Sphinx Moth Larva

Bedstraw Sphinx Moth Larva

by LaurenZarateAlaska, USA

A black form of the Bedstraw Sphinx Moth (also called the Gallium Sphinx), ...

0 0 Galium Sphinx Moth

Galium Sphinx Moth

by doreen.chambers.14Vermont, USA

Sphinx Moths, about 100 N.A. species, have large stout larvae that hold the ...

2 4 Sphinx Moth

Sphinx Moth

by doreen.chambers.14Vermont, USA

Sphinx caterpillars rear fore part of the body rest in a position which looks ...

5 6 Gallium Sphinx

Gallium Sphinx

by ForestDragonNew York, USA

Large moth with a streamlined appearance. Olive green body with tan/white lines ...

0 1 Galium Sphinx

Galium Sphinx

by mioriitsuPointe-à-la-Croix, Quebec, Canada

4 0 Bedstraw Hawk Moth

Bedstraw Hawk Moth

by KimmyTorrington, Connecticut, USA

Dark brown and green with striking cream horizontal stripes/markings on ...

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