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1 0 Corizus hyoscyami

Corizus hyoscyami

by HenkWallaysVlaanderen, Belgium

1 2 Scentless Plant Bug / Булавник беленовый

Scentless Plant Bug / Булавник беленовый

by IrinaShСвердловская область, Russian Federation

4 5 Rhopalid Bug

Rhopalid Bug

by Anna ChapmanΑττική, Greece

Wasteland / Meadow in Suburb

2 0 Black and Red Squash Bug

Black and Red Squash Bug

by LasseOksanenJämsä, Länsi- ja Sisä-Suomen aluehallintovirasto, Finland

1 0 Zimtwanze


by dreamfalconMartina Franca, Puglia, Italy

Sitting on sage

1 0 Black and Red Squash Bug

Black and Red Squash Bug

by FaredinAliyevskiRegion Hovedstaden, Denmark

3 1 Cinnamon Bug

Cinnamon Bug

by IvanPancicЗрењанин, Војводина, Serbia

0 0 plant bug

plant bug

by EmilieChichGif-sur-Yvette, Île-de-France, Tromelin Island

Red and black scentless plant bug.

2 2 Cinnamon Bug

Cinnamon Bug

by Malcolm Wilton-JonesSagunto/Sagunt, Comunidad Valenciana / Comunitat Valenciana, Spain

Cinnamon Bug - Corizus hyoscyami Family - ...

3 4 Black & Red Squash Bug or Cinnamon Bug

Black & Red Squash Bug or Cinnamon Bug

by FaredinAliyevskiRegion Hovedstaden, Denmark

Semi-rural, forest

1 2 Verilude (Scentless True Bug)

Verilude (Scentless True Bug)

by ZarigaPortugal

Really small and calm insect, around 1cm of size. Red with a black pattern.

1 0 Rhopalid bug

Rhopalid bug

by Paul DavisThree Rivers, England, United Kingdom


3 0 Black and Red Squash Bug

Black and Red Squash Bug

by Morton1905Croatia

Corizus hyoscyami 2429 Fa Merag ...

1 0 Corizus hyoscyami

Corizus hyoscyami

by arlandaTorrejón el Rubio, Extremadura, Spain

Corizus hyoscyami subs.

0 3 Plant Bug

Plant Bug

by Bernadette SUmbertide, UMB, Italy

"Adults are about 9 millimetres (0.35 in) long. The species is a plant feeder. ...

1 2 Chinche del beleño

Chinche del beleño

by eula rubioCartagena, Murcia, Spain

Estas chinches presentan la cabeza de color negro, con una gran mancha roja en ...

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