A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Greek common name: Μαυρολαίμης.
Great Egret in Kalochori lagoon ...
Greek name: Αλκυόνη.
Kalochori lagoon (Thessaloniki, Greece).
Low spreading annual herb; leaves ovate with strongly serrated margins; flowers ...
Kalochori lagoon and Gallikos river ...
Female black redstart.
Meadow at the edge of a lagoon in the industrial area of the city of ...
Greek common name: Σπίνος.
Greek common name: Γερακίνα.
Female black redstart.
Female Eurasian kestrel.
Greek name: Αλκυόνη.
Great crested grebe with fish prey.
Greek name: Πυγόπους ο μελανόλαιμος. Greek common name: Μαυροβουτηχτάρι.
Greek name: Φαλακροκόραξ ο πυγμαίος. Greek common name: Λαγγόνα.
Kalochori lagoon and Gallikos river estuary.
Greek name: Νουμήνιος ο τοξορραμφής. Greek common name: Τουρλίδα.
Photo 1: Male. Photos 2-3: Pair. Photos 4-5: Female.
Greek common name: Κοκκινοσκέλης
Grey heron resting on one leg with neck retracted.
Greek name: Κορμοράνος
Northern Pintail. Photos 1-3: females. Photos 4-5: males.
Greek common name: Καστανοκέφαλος γλάρος.
Greek name: Ανώραμφος η αβοκέτη. Greek common name: Αβοκέτα.
Common kingfisher eating a fish.
Greek common name: Λευκοτσικνιάς.
Greek common name: Λασποσκαλίδρα.
1st photo: Little egret taking off in front of a pied avocet (Recurvirostra ...
Greater flamingos at rest, standing on one leg in
Adult great cormorant in breeding plumage.
On shrubs near lagoon.
Gallikos river estuaries.
Reed bed in river estuary.
Reed bed in river estuary.
River estuaries.
Gallikos river estuaries.
The common buzzard measures between 40 and 58 cm (16 and 23 in) in length with ...
Dunlins with their characteristic "sewing machine" feeding action, methodically ...
A grey plover at Kalochori lagoon ...
Greater flamingos in Kalochori lagoon. ...
Kalochori village occupy the lowlands ...
Greek common name: Χουλιαρομύτα
Kalochori village occupy the lowlands ...
A large (26-30 inches) duck, the male Northern Pintail is most easily ...