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1 0 Leaf Hopper Nymph

Leaf Hopper Nymph

by beaker98Missouri, USA

Woodland habitat

1 1 Leaf hopper nymph

Leaf hopper nymph

by asergioCuritiba, Paraná, Brazil

3 4 Leaf-hopper nymph?

Leaf-hopper nymph?

by RachaelB3078, Victoria, Australia

Only 3-4mm long.

10 5 Spotting


by LuckyLoganIowa, USA


7 4 Hopper Nymphs

Hopper Nymphs

by beaker98Illinois, USA

Found on the underside of an unknown leaf.

0 0 Spotting


by MachiFlorida, USA

Orange hopper

1 0 Passionvine hopper nymph

Passionvine hopper nymph

by martinlVictoria, Australia

This "fluffy bum" was associated with the passionvine leafhopper on an acacia ...

9 3 Leaf-Hopper Nymph

Leaf-Hopper Nymph

by NeilHarrisRoodepoort, Gauteng, South Africa

The Leaf

1 0 Leaf-hopper nymph

Leaf-hopper nymph

by KarenLParroquia Taracoa, Provincia de Orellana, Ecuador

2-3mm long nymph

0 1 Leaf hopper nymph

Leaf hopper nymph

by MichaelHinesGlen Cove, New York, USA

Scorpion like...flicks it's tail in defense

3 4 Leaf hopper, nymph

Leaf hopper, nymph

by Maria dBChapel Hill, North Carolina, USA

Submitted this to BugGuide where I was told it is a plant or

0 0 Leaf Hopper

Leaf Hopper

by LaurenZarateChiapas, Mexico

Adult Leaf

0 0 Cotton Hopper

Cotton Hopper


I found this cotton hopper as I was looking ...

0 0 hopper nymphs

hopper nymphs

by Scott FrazierIndonesia

Recently emerged hopper

1 2 Katydid nymph

Katydid nymph

by martinlMelbourne, Victoria, Australia

This young katydid is a delightfully attractive

1 1 Hopper nymph exoskeleton

Hopper nymph exoskeleton

by Harsha SinghHimachal Pradesh, India

This exoskeleton was sticking to a leaf. ...

12 2 Buffalo Treehopper Nymph

Buffalo Treehopper Nymph

by LuckyLoganIowa, USA

Medium sized leaf-hopper with bristle like ...

3 13 Eurybranchid leaf-hopper nymph

Eurybranchid leaf-hopper nymph

by ArgybeeVictoria, Australia

Tiny hopper (5mm) with two upright spikes ...

1 1 Leafhopper Nymph

Leafhopper Nymph

by ForestDragonNew York, USA

Leafhopper nymph with yellow eyes, reddish ...

11 5 Passion Vinehopper nymph.

Passion Vinehopper nymph.

by marycaughleyGisborne, New Zealand

Nymph of a passion

2 0 Gum leaf hopper nymphs

Gum leaf hopper nymphs

by Mark RidgwayVictoria, Australia

A good cluster of leaf

1 2 Leafhopper nymph

Leafhopper nymph

by CindyBinghamKeiserPoway, California, USA

Small, red and yellow leafhopper nymph ...

3 1 Spotting


by DrNamgyalTSherpaSikkim, India

to be a leaf insect

0 0 Leaf hopper nymph

Leaf hopper nymph

by Mark RidgwayMelbourne, Victoria, Australia

A tiny hopper

0 5 Leaf hoppers

Leaf hoppers

by martinl of an emerging

1 0 Leafhopper nymph

Leafhopper nymph

by CindyBinghamKeiserEscondido, California, USA

Nearly translucent, yellow leafhopper nymph ...

1 2 Leaf-Hopper session the 2nd, Nymph, Echte Käferzikadennymphe

Leaf-Hopper session the 2nd, Nymph, Echte Käferzikadennymphe

by Monkey-mindGemeinde Kottingbrunn, Niederösterreich, Austria

this little jumpy fella is about 2 mm long, is going to be a Issus coleoptratus

2 2 Leaf-hopper nymph?

Leaf-hopper nymph?

by RachaelB3078, Victoria, Australia

White and furry about 3mm long.

8 4 Ant


by stephanielrickmanGeneseo, Illinois, United States

Reddish in color and about 9-10 mm in length. Found on a cup plant protecting ...

0 0 Leaf Hopper

Leaf Hopper

by Mandy HollmanGeorgia, USA

Very small insect. Seems to be a nymph in ...

0 2 Groundnut leaf hopper

Groundnut leaf hopper

by nivedcPune, Maharashtra, India

The groundnut leafhopper adults are elongate, active, wedge shape, green ...

0 0 Frog-hopper


by SarahHiteWhittOhio, USA

These families are best known for the nymph ...

1 4 Mottled-head Gum-leaf Hopper

Mottled-head Gum-leaf Hopper

by LeubaMelbourne, Victoria, Australia

About 8mm in length, these hoppers had dark ...

2 3 froghopper


by S FrazierIndonesia

This is a froghopper (the adult form of the perhaps better known "spittle bug" ...

2 2 Leafhopper Nymph

Leafhopper Nymph

by Leuba RidgwayVictoria, Australia

A very small ( about 5 mm) long hopper ...

0 1 Spotting


by Mandy HollmanGeorgia, USA


0 1 Hopper skins

Hopper skins

by Argy BeeMelbourne, Victoria, Australia

the same. On close inspection they turn out to be the exuviae of some kind of ...

0 0 Passion-vine hopper - transformation

Passion-vine hopper - transformation

by LeubaMelbourne, Victoria, Australia

hopper with tented-up wings to a flat ...

1 2 Leafhopper


by CarolSnowMilnePennsylvania, USA

The orange one looks like a grasshopper

1 0 Ledrini leafhopper - nymph

Ledrini leafhopper - nymph

by LeubaMelbourne, Victoria, Australia

A flat white hopper

1 0 Leaf hopper session the 4th, Echte Käferzwergzikade

Leaf hopper session the 4th, Echte Käferzwergzikade

by Monkey-mindGemeinde Kottingbrunn, Niederösterreich, Austria

this is the nymph: ...

1 0 Common Jassid

Common Jassid

by Argybee3158, Victoria, Australia

Large red and black leaf

0 0 Cotton Hopper

Cotton Hopper


This white fluffy bug had small tan legs on its underside. When this creature ...

5 0 Green Planthopper

Green Planthopper

by CharliePriceLaunceston, Tasmania, Australia

Very small leaf like patterned

0 0 Sharpshooter nymph

Sharpshooter nymph

by CindyBinghamKeiserEscondido, California, USA

Brown leafhopper in an early instar. I believe this is a Glassy-winged ...

0 0 Leafhopper


by CindyBinghamKeiserCalifornia, USA

Brown, immature Leafhopper with oval eyes that have a stripe across them.

7 2 Leafhopper nymph

Leafhopper nymph

by CindyBinghamKeiserEscondido, California, United States

Brown leafhopper with yellow top to mimic bird dropping. The eyes are ...

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