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0 0 Lentisco


by sabina.nicolellaCagliari, Sardegna, Italy


0 1 Lentisco


by mmchampagnieCampo nell'Elba, TOS, Italy

Mediterranean savannah plant

0 0 Lentisco


by VieiraLisboa, Portugal

0 0 Lentisco


by IsabelaIlles Balears, Spain

Arbusto con hojas verdes y fruto rojo

0 0 Mastic


by Noe and PiliCádiz, Andalucía, Spain

Pistacia lentiscus is a dioecious evergreen shrub or small tree of the Pistacio ...

0 2 Lentisco


by eulalia rubioValencia, Comunitat Valenciana, Spain

Pequeño árbol perenne de la familia de las Anacardiaceae característico del ...

0 0 Sabina


by IsabelaIlles Balears, Spain

Mediterráneo, donde es frecuente encontrarla acompañando a maquias de

6 6 Gonocerus insidiator

Gonocerus insidiator

by arlandaAlcobendas, Madrid, Spain

are also protruding. They feed sucking sap from the host plants, mainly ...

0 1 Lentisco, entina o mata charneca (Pistacia lentiscus)

Lentisco, entina o mata charneca (Pistacia lentiscus)

by eula rubioBarx, Comunitat Valenciana, Spain

Arbusto o arbolito dioico (pie de macho y hembra separados), siempre verde de 1 ...

0 0 Mastic Tree

Mastic Tree

by WombatAlgarve, Portugal

This is a shrub or tree dioecious, separate male and female plants, evergreen ...

1 0 Lentisc Shrub

Lentisc Shrub

by Ana RosaAlgarve, Portugal

This is a shrub or tree dioecious, with separate male and female plants, ...

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