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3 1 Lotus


by SonjaWeberTrang, Thailand

1 0 Lotus


by zofaof23충청북도 (Chungcheongbuk-do), Republic of Korea

0 0 Lotus


by haplo2330Bursa, Turkey


0 0 Lotus flower

Lotus flower

by YvonneDMaryland, USA

0 1 Lotus


by nichtexistentPort Louis, Mauritius

Lotus flowers

7 3 Indian lotus

Indian lotus

by Kya广东, Paracel Islands

2 1 Lotus


by valentinezineSanta Barbara, California, USA

Lotus seed pod

0 0 Meadow Lotus

Meadow Lotus

by JackGrahamCalifornia, USA

3 2 Lotus


by DangermouseAlgarve, Portugal

Trailing plant with orange/red flowers and greyish foliage.

1 3 Bird's-foot Trefoil

Bird's-foot Trefoil

by natureboy153Beloit, Wisconsin, USA

0 0 Birdsfoot Treefoil

Birdsfoot Treefoil

by MartinUrbanWien, Wien, Austria


3 0 White lotus

White lotus

by hernandezwolf99Atlanta, Georgia, USA

White, grows in water

1 0 Lotus pod

Lotus pod

by DeeSABali, Indonesia

4 0 Lotus


by AjitNagaon, Assam, India

0 0 Lotus.


by OnengDyahIndonesia

7 3 lotus


by DeepankshiChittoraRajasthan, India

1 2 Lotus Flower

Lotus Flower

by itsningtimeBali, Indonesia

0 3 Lotus


by solarfreedom09Naples, Florida, USA


0 0 Bird's-foot Trefoil

Bird's-foot Trefoil

by joa.jvmPittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

0 1 Lotus


by tessendoreSan Diego, California, USA


5 0 Water Lily - Lotus

Water Lily - Lotus

by KatCuffAustin, Texas, USA


4 0 Water Lily - Lotus

Water Lily - Lotus

by KatCuffAustin, Texas, USA

1 1 Water Lily - Lotus

Water Lily - Lotus

by KatCuffAustin, Texas, USA

5 2 Water Lily - Lotus

Water Lily - Lotus

by KatCuffAustin, Texas, USA

0 3 Pink lotus

Pink lotus

by AncaMocan太保市 (Taibao), Taiwan

1 0 lotus leaf

lotus leaf

by HermanChanParacel Islands

Happy Mother’s Day in Love

1 3 Sacred Lotus

Sacred Lotus

by VivBraznellสุราษฎร์ธานี, Thailand

2 0 Lotus


by emailnya.ayaJawa Barat, Indonesia

It's a common lotus.

0 0 Spotting


by Kya重庆市, 重庆 Chongqing, Paracel Islands

Sleeping lotus.

1 0 Sleeping lotus

Sleeping lotus

by K.Y.A惠州市, 广东, Paracel Islands

5 2 Lotus


by Anoop.AsrannaKarnataka, India

Backyard garden

0 0 Spotting


by Kya广东, Paracel Islands

1 0 Water Lily

Water Lily

by Kya广东, Paracel Islands

2 0 Lotus


by Brian HayhoeOntario, Canada

2 0 Sacred Lotus

Sacred Lotus

by SargonR館林市, 群馬県, Japan

Sacred Lotus spotted in the Kodai Hasu no ...

0 0 Hornklee or  Bird's-foot trefoils

Hornklee or Bird's-foot trefoils

by Andreas DietrichBüren an der Aare, Bern - Berne, Switzerland

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