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1 2 Brown Pelican

Brown Pelican

by hgonzembachMiami Beach, Florida, USA


5 11 Osprey


by hdude07Miami, Florida, USA

Marine, coastal. East coast

2 3 Arctic Tern

Arctic Tern

by JonathanSequeiraNew Hampshire, USA

Trip to Shoal isles. We saw great marine ...

0 3 Giant Green Anemone

Giant Green Anemone

by TomBecherBandon, Oregon, USA

Found many of this species at low tide in tidepools.

0 3 Spotting


by luctheduke1Parroquia Tomas de Berlanga (Santo Tomas), Provincia de Galápagos, Ecuador

A Galapagos marine iguana w/ Sally light ...

0 0 Double Crested Cormorant

Double Crested Cormorant

by hdude07Florida, USA

A previous patient at a wildlife rehab ...

0 0 Northern Gannet

Northern Gannet

by hdude07Florida, USA

A patient in the wildlife rehabilitation ...

0 0 California sea lions

California sea lions

by NenahBMonterey, California, USA

Rocky shores

4 6 Favites Stony Coral

Favites Stony Coral

by Alexter GeneraleSarangani, Philippines

This stony coral with a vibrant orange hue is wonderful.

0 0 Seal


by lilip2020Santa Barbara, California, USA

Dead seal

0 0 Spotting


by AlexanderSteinOregon, USA

A group of tunicates that grow on rocks. Colonial, orange.

2 2 Sea otter

Sea otter

by MargaretTMonterey, California, USA

Sea otter

17 4 Will's Chromodoris

Will's Chromodoris

by madasamarinebiologistNorth Sulawesi, Indonesia

20 18 Cuttlefish


by MbilungIndonesia

Spotted in Coral Garden of Sangalaki Island, Berau, East Kalimantan, Indonesia.

0 0 Spotting


by janeen.milliken23Oakland, California, USA

Only a sideways footprint of a mammal, I think.

7 3 California Sea Lion

California Sea Lion

by drgnbrth1Irvine, California, USA

Baby California sea lion. Spotted at Laguna Beach in the afternoon. Laguna ...

4 0 Manatee (Florida Manatee)

Manatee (Florida Manatee)

by MaggieNoelFlorida, USA

Large grey marine mammal

0 2 Atlantic bottlenose dolphin

Atlantic bottlenose dolphin

by hdude07Florida, USA

This spotting was off the coast of south florida at oleta river state park. I ...

2 0 Seastar


by Alexter GeneraleSarangani, Philippines

It's like a star-shaped cookie. I found it a very cute sea star.

2 0 Table stony coral

Table stony coral

by Alexter GeneraleSarangani, Philippines

This table stony coral shot in broad daylight. It surely looks like a round ...

0 0 Trumpetfish


by Liam OBrienGeorge Town, Cayman Islands

Amazing camouflage - hiding in plane sight.

0 1 Dungeness Crab

Dungeness Crab

by TomBecherBandon, Oregon, USA

Juvenile crab crawling back into the ocean.

0 0 Northern Elephant seal

Northern Elephant seal

by tessavalisonWashington, USA

This little seal is sunning itself in lapush wa, during my spring break!

4 0 Cushion starfish

Cushion starfish

by pampoyDigos City, Davao del Sur, Philippines

Short arms, rounded body

3 0 Mussel


by Alyssa2L.A., California, USA

This is a photo of a mussel that I took during my trip to the beach in Santa ...

1 2 Black brittle star

Black brittle star

by pampoySanta Maria, Davao Region, Philippines

Flexible, spiny and segmented arms.

0 0 Harbor Seal

Harbor Seal

by TomBecherOregon, USA

About 12 Harbor Seals hauled out just above surface of ocean waves, basking in ...

0 0 Harbor seal

Harbor seal

by BlueFernsMonterey, California, USA

These are always lining the protected beach along hopkins

0 2 Ochre Star

Ochre Star

by TomBecherBandon, Oregon, USA

Sea Stars that I spotted all along tide-pools and offshore rocks.

0 0 California sea lion

California sea lion

by pesayoSan Francisco, California, USA

Large brown marine mammal

0 1 Fiddler Crab

Fiddler Crab

by PaulMcKeownMtwara, Mtwara, Tanzania

Marine Park. It wasn't alive but it didn't ...

6 5 Crab eating a fish (pic2)

Crab eating a fish (pic2)

by martinl3193, Victoria, Australia

A violent splash revealed this crab attacking an equally large fish in a rock ...

0 0 Atlantic Horseshoe Crab

Atlantic Horseshoe Crab

by TylerGradenRehoboth Beach, Delaware, USA

This large Horseshoe crab was burrowing into the sand in a small pool of water ...

12 0 North American River Otter

North American River Otter

by Anne Marie McCaffreyWashington, USA

Photographed at the Nisqually National

0 0 Anhinga


by luker302Florida, USA

Black water bird, first saw one stick its head out of the water looked like a ...

0 0 Marine Blue

Marine Blue

by BugEricColorado Springs, Colorado, USA

Very distinctive pattern of lines and spots on the underside of the wings.

2 0 Great-Blue Heron

Great-Blue Heron

by ZooNerd

Found this guy at the Port Aransas National

0 0 Great blue heron

Great blue heron

by ClementDufourNanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

a great blue heron taking a stroll on a boardwalk in nanaimo, BC

5 1 Beaugregory


by marylou.wildlifeBelmopan, Cayo, Belize

This individual is a juvenile beaugregory, which is a damselfish species ...

1 0 Lightening Whelk egg case

Lightening Whelk egg case

by MaggieNoelFlorida, USA

Long curly snail egg case

1 0 Crown of thorns starfish

Crown of thorns starfish

by pampoyDigos City, Davao del Sur, Philippines

Heavily spined.

0 0 Magnificent feather duster

Magnificent feather duster

by marylou.wildlifeBelmopan, Cayo, Belize

A species of marine bristleworm native to ...

1 0 Cane Toad (Juvenile)

Cane Toad (Juvenile)

by AgnesAdiqueTalaveraCalamba, Laguna, Philippines

, Giant Neotropical Toad, Marine Toad, ...

2 1 Red Spotted Horseshoe

Red Spotted Horseshoe

by Bernadette SEgypt

ones in the posterior region are longer but lack the narrow wings." ...

16 19 Humpback whale

Humpback whale

by ElsaMassachusetts, USA

The humpback whale is a medium sized baleen whale that is found across our ...

1 2 Black Sea Rod

Black Sea Rod

by marylou.wildlifeBelmopan, Cayo, Belize

A gorgonian-type octocoral (a soft-coral with polyps containing 8 tentacles). ...

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