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1 0 Cave Myotis

Cave Myotis

by Missy Texas, USA

1 2 Myotis spp.

Myotis spp.

by fightwnsNew Mexico, USA

6 2 Yuma myotis

Yuma myotis

by fightwnsNew Mexico, USA

3 1 bat


by DavidSantosPortugal

3 2 Morcego-de-orelhas-de-rato


by plnautaPortugal

Mouse eared bat

0 0 Riparian Myotis

Riparian Myotis

by Tom15Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

1 1 Myotis spp.

Myotis spp.

by fightwnsLos Lunas, New Mexico, USA

1 2 Arizona myotis

Arizona myotis

by fightwnsLos Lunas, New Mexico, USA

4 2 Pond Bat

Pond Bat

by linefaberjohannesenOdense, Region Syddanmark, Denmark

1 1 Arizona myotis

Arizona myotis

by fightwnsNew Mexico, USA

Female Arizona myotis with young pup tucked ...

3 2 Myotis spp.

Myotis spp.

by fightwnsLos Lunas, New Mexico, USA

Several Myotis bats using a cliff swallow ...

1 0 Myotis bat

Myotis bat

by FredericoHintzeNorte, Portugal

This individual is a small Myotis species. ...

0 0 Western Small-footed Myotis

Western Small-footed Myotis

by fightwnsNew Mexico, USA

M. ciliolabrum roosting behind siding.

2 0 Long-eared myotis

Long-eared myotis

by roddearthJoseph, Oregon, United States

Inside a derelict barn next to a creek.

7 0 Greater mouse-eared bat

Greater mouse-eared bat

by Marek KoszorekKletno, Dolnośląskie, Poland

About 8-9 cm long

2 0 Formosan golden bat

Formosan golden bat

by Merlin TuttleTaiwan

A rare Formosan golden bat (Myotis formosus ...

5 0 Formosan golden bat

Formosan golden bat

by Merlin TuttleTaiwan

A rare Formosan golden bat (Myotis formosus ...

2 0 Fringed Myotis

Fringed Myotis

by BenAbramovitzCalifornia, USA

Catching insects around the campground lights in a scrubby desert area

3 1 Daubenton Bat

Daubenton Bat

by linefaberjohannesenOdense, Region Syddanmark, Denmark

0 0 Little Brown Bat

Little Brown Bat

by BrendanSmithTamms, Illinois, USA

0 0 Morcego lanudo

Morcego lanudo

by VítorPendãoPortugal

Morcego pequeno

2 3 Vespertilionid bat

Vespertilionid bat

by Andrea Tarquino-CarbonellTolima, Colombia

Caves, builidings

2 1 Western Small-footed Myotis

Western Small-footed Myotis

by fightwnsNew Mexico, USA

A key characteristic distinguishing the western small-footed

1 1 Little Brown Bat

Little Brown Bat

by PollyanaGaldamezKingston, Ontario, Canada

1 0 Little brown bat

Little brown bat

by dunnjen5Pensacola, Florida, USA

1 4 Indiana Bat

Indiana Bat

by ErickDuarteIllinois, USA

2 2 Brown bat

Brown bat

by GianinaDotterweichBaltimore, Maryland, USA

0 0 Eastern Brown Bat

Eastern Brown Bat

by Two CansCumming, Georgia, USA

0 0 Little Brown Bat

Little Brown Bat

by The GreensMurphysboro, Illinois, USA

4 2 Morcego-rato-pequeno


by plnautaAlentejo, Portugal


1 0 Grey Bat

Grey Bat

by 19memelioHidalgo, Mexico

0 0 Myotis bat pup

Myotis bat pup

by Lucy MyotisVirginia, USA

A male myotis pup, approximately 1+ week ...

1 1 Little brown bat

Little brown bat

by DavidMroczkowskiWisconsin, USA

This individual is dead, however there are many at Rock Island at night.

0 4 Brown Myotis Bat

Brown Myotis Bat

by turtlesandtombstonesSpencer, Massachusetts, USA

Power washing some bees nests around a house and when I sprayed next to the ...

0 0 Little brown bat

Little brown bat

by Nature NerdWisconsin, USA

Found this little one outside the nature center in the middle of February. It ...

2 0 Geoffroy's Myotis

Geoffroy's Myotis

by FredericoHintzeNorte, Portugal

This is a permanent summer and maternity roost for this species. The roost ...

3 2 Little Brown Bat

Little Brown Bat

by AmandaWhipkeyPapa Johns #2997, Maryland, USA

Brown bat with infant.

0 4 Indiana bat/ evening bat

Indiana bat/ evening bat

by KelseyEvans-LayngWinchester, Kentucky, USA

Found dead :(

10 6 Myotis spp.

Myotis spp.

by fightwnsNew Mexico, USA

A leucistic Myotis bat.

4 2 Black Myotis

Black Myotis

by LeonardoMBSP, Brazil

my city. The "Myotis nigricans" have a ...

1 0 Black Myotis

Black Myotis

by LeonardoMBMG, Brazil

Some friends of mine are doing some researches of bats, then I help a little. ...

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