A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
everywhere -nitrogen-rich soil
Blackbirds nest in pairs all over the megaliths at Stonehenge.
Bracket fungus (Basidiomycota) growing on a dead cedar stump.
Soft velvety fungus that grows in shelf-like projections from rotting logs.
Bright orange and yellow wings with a brown camouflaged underside.
Deep purple tubular flowers that look similar to snapdragons.
Looks like slime flux. Could it also be a yeast or fungus?
Squishy gelatinous fungus that grows in coralline patterns on rotting logs.
These beautiful flowering plants have the potent neurotoxin aconitine.
Adult sandhill crane in breeding habitat wandering through cattails.
Plant with yellow milklike sap.
Frankia alni forms colonies on the roots of Alder trees and fix
Some type of checkerspot butterfly, would appreciate help with species ID.
White-bodied snail with a brown ram-horn shell.
An aster with a thick red stem and several clusters of pale blue flowers.
Alpine salamanders mating on a rainy afternoon.
A large pack of coatis foraged for food under the trees.
A species of cyanobacteria that fixates
Found in the wild and transplanted to my yard. One picture is close up of the ...
In nature, all Gunnera plants form a symbiosis with
Males have a red head, black chest, brown/silver back, white underside, black ...
Large, black body, thick yellow bill and white cheeks.
Similar in size and markings to the Great Blue Heron, but with a Eurasian range.
Orange dorsal stripe, yellow lateral stripe, bluish belly. This is a dark ...
Probably in the Lamiaceae family. Somewhat aromatic, pointed leaves growing in ...
Deep pink or purple flowers, distinguished from the common wild geranium by the ...
These ponies have thick winter coats that are shed in summer. They also have ...
This swallowtail's wings were a bit tattered, but still pretty.