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2 0 Spotting


by IrinaShСвердловская область, Russian Federation

For NMW-

0 0 Crambid Moth

Crambid Moth

by SukanyaDattaKolkata, West Bengal, India

Patterned wings.

1 0 Vine Hawk Moth

Vine Hawk Moth

by Noel BuensucesoPhilippines

Spotted on a white wall

2 0 Monkey Moth

Monkey Moth

by Noel BuensucesoPhilippines

Spotted on the garage wall

0 0 Moth


by SukanyaDattaWest Bengal, India


0 0 Small Magpie

Small Magpie

by IrinaShСвердловская область, Russian Federation

For NMW-

1 0 Oleander Hawk-moth

Oleander Hawk-moth

by Noel BuensucesoPhilippines

Spotted inside the garage

0 0 Moth


by SukanyaDattaKolkata, West Bengal, India

Dark olive green with a tracery of white. May be a Crambid.

0 0 Bombycidae Moth

Bombycidae Moth

by SukanyaDattaWest Bengal, India

Fat. Maroonish brown in colour.

6 6 Tussock Moth

Tussock Moth

by SukanyaDattaKolkata, West Bengal, India

White. Very fluffy.

1 0 No Common Name

No Common Name

by LisaPowersVirginia, USA

Very small triangular-shaped black moth with a white triangular spot on each ...

0 0 Uraniid Moth

Uraniid Moth

by SukanyaDattaKolkata, West Bengal, India

Short tail with a black spot and white wings bearing close striations.

2 0 Tussock Moth

Tussock Moth

by SukanyaDattaKolkata, West Bengal, India

White with patterns in beige on the wings.

3 1 Cream-spot tiger /Медведица деревенская,сельская

Cream-spot tiger /Медведица деревенская,сельская

by IrinaShSverdlovskaya oblast', Russian Federation

The wingspan of these moths reaches 45–60 mm. They have black or greyish ...

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