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0 1 Yellow Pondlily

Yellow Pondlily

by Greg ShchepanekOntario, Canada


10 6 Yellow Pond Lily

Yellow Pond Lily

by Fyn KyndMaine, USA


0 0 Yellow pond lily

Yellow pond lily

by mauna KunzahNYC, New York, USA

Also known as spatterdock, the yellow pond lily is native to the US. Fruiting ...

0 0 Spatterdock


by DeniseTickleFort Lauderdale, Florida, USA

Floats flat. Flowers 1 1/2", cup like , yellow, with cylindrical pistil. Leaves ...

1 0 Yellow Pondlily

Yellow Pondlily

by doreen.chambers.14Vermont, USA

No this is not a flying saucer - it is a Yellow PondLily. The flowers are ...

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