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2 2 Grass dart (skipper)

Grass dart (skipper)

by martinlLysterfield South, Victoria, Australia

A small skipper on the lawn.

1 4 Yellow-banded Dart

Yellow-banded Dart

by kimkiu3101, Victoria, Australia

0 0 Yellow Banded Dart

Yellow Banded Dart

by KennethDGZamboanga City, Philippines

2 0 Yellow-banded Dart

Yellow-banded Dart

by Mark RidgwayVictoria, Australia

A small fast and brightly coloured butterfly about 18mm body length. Searching ...

1 8 Green Grass-dart

Green Grass-dart

by Lani V. E.Philippines

Many thanks to AshishNimkar for the ID

0 0 Green Grass Dart-Skipper Butterfly

Green Grass Dart-Skipper Butterfly

by TamDaltonNew South Wales, Australia

My front garden in the grass.

3 4 Yellow Banded Dart Butterfly

Yellow Banded Dart Butterfly

by StephenSolomonsAustralia

Thanks to Mark Ridgeway for sub-species identification

2 3 Yellow Banded Dart

Yellow Banded Dart

by Mark RidgwayMelbourne, Victoria, Australia

Small darts were plentiful at this local park. Each about 12mm long. Very ...

6 3 Green Grass-dart

Green Grass-dart

by Mark RidgwayVictoria, Australia

About 12mm long, Impressive proboscis. Feeding from the flowers of a small ...

0 2 Greenish Grass Dart

Greenish Grass Dart

by ReneeHead3871, Victoria, Australia

Butterfly species known as a Skipper, it's colours are interesting. It's size ...

6 10 Yellow-banded Dart

Yellow-banded Dart

by Argy BeeMelbourne, Victoria, Australia

40mm dark brown and yellow, sits with 2 wings flat and 2 vertical

2 0 Green Grass-dart

Green Grass-dart

by Argy BeeVictoria, Australia

Many of these small skippers are busy in the grasses in our back yard at the ...

0 0 Yellow banded dart

Yellow banded dart

by martinlMelbourne, Victoria, Australia

A small hesperid butterfly with clubbed antennae typically holding its wings in ...

3 1 Yellow Banded Dart

Yellow Banded Dart

by StephenSolomonsGosford, New South Wales, Australia

A little butterfly found in long grass among Casuarina and Angophora forest on ...

7 0 Green Grass-dart

Green Grass-dart

by Argy BeeMelbourne, Victoria, Australia

A very small and fast butterfly distinctive by it's yellow and black patterns ...

1 1 Yellow-banded dart

Yellow-banded dart

by Leuba

A brown and yellow dart with a wing span of about 20 mm.The underside of the ...

1 0 Greenish Grass-dart

Greenish Grass-dart

by VinnyVictoria, Australia

Small skipper approx. 3.5cm long, basking in the early morning sun on cockfoot ...

2 3 Yellow Banded Dart -male

Yellow Banded Dart -male

by LeubaMelbourne, Victoria, Australia

A small butterfly about 20mm long. The wings were a dark brown with ...

1 0 Greenish Grass Dart

Greenish Grass Dart

by CharliePriceLaunceston, Tasmania, Australia

The Greenish Grass Dart is a small brown butterfly with bright orange wing ...

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