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1 0 Clodius Parnassian

Clodius Parnassian

by LuckyLoganJackson Hole, Wyoming, USA

3 0 Rocky Mountain Parnassian

Rocky Mountain Parnassian

by Mike16Evergreen, Colorado, United States

0 0 Swallowtail group

Swallowtail group

by AdrenaMohtadiOregon, USA

Yellow with red spots

4 4 Rocky Mountain Parnassian

Rocky Mountain Parnassian

by BasХэнтий, Mongolia

0 0 Rocky Mountain Parnassian

Rocky Mountain Parnassian

by HeidiEatonLas Animas, Colorado, USA

Mostly white butterfly, which is in the Swallowtail family. They have black & ...

1 0 Clodius Parnassian

Clodius Parnassian

by Michael DrumCalifornia, USA

On the Deer Lake Trail in Lakes Basin Region.

0 0 Sierra Nevada Parnassian

Sierra Nevada Parnassian

by LindsyColorado, USA

We were on a hike in Rocky Mountain National Park and saw a bunch of these ...

6 5 Rocky Mountain Parnassian

Rocky Mountain Parnassian

by LuisStevensYellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA

Rocky Mountain Parnassian. This butterfly ...

1 0 Clodius parnassian

Clodius parnassian

by Liam OBrienCalifornia, USA

Large, white with spots

1 1 Rocky Mountain Parnassian

Rocky Mountain Parnassian

by KeithRoragenColorado, USA

While this butterfly looks a bit like a White it is actually in the Swallowtail ...

1 5 Clodius Parnassian

Clodius Parnassian

by KarenSaxtonOregon, USA

In areas where bleeding heart is native as their caterpillar food.

12 2 Rocky Mountain Parnassian

Rocky Mountain Parnassian

by LuckyLoganJackson Hole, Wyoming, USA

High elevation butterfly found in wide open meadows. Large red spots are found ...

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