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0 0 Pássaro


RJ, Brazil

Pássaro de cor escura com alguns detalhes ...

0 1 Pássaro-de-fogo (Firebird)

Pássaro-de-fogo (Firebird)

by asergioMorretes, Paraná, Brazil

0 0 Estrelícia, Flor pássaro

Estrelícia, Flor pássaro

by igoeldnerCuritiba, Paraná, Brazil




by RaygeógrafoBrejo dos Santos, Paraíba, Brazil

0 1 Speckled Chacalaca

Speckled Chacalaca

by CarlaRibeiroFlorianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil

0 2 Pardal


by ViniciusDyonisioOcauçu, SP, Brazil

1 0 Roxinol


by SandraKellyCaicó, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil

Pássaro ainda comum em nossa região.

0 1 Asa-de-telha


by SkaraujoJardim do Seridó, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil

Pássaro arisco.

0 0 Black-crowned Night Heron

Black-crowned Night Heron

by CarlaRibeiroFlorianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil

1 2 Spotting


by AlineDepetrisMacedoItararé, São Paulo, Brazil

Nome popular: Boca de Saci.

2 0 Common gallinule

Common gallinule

by CarlaRibeiroFlorianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil

0 0 Urubu


by Cássyo FerreiraPB, Brazil

Alimenta se de animais mortos, assim sendo importante para o ecossistema.

4 1 Concriz


by SandraKellyCaicó, RN, Brazil

Pássaro de cores vivas.

1 2 Snowy egret (Garza)

Snowy egret (Garza)

by Patricia CarabelliMontevideo, Montevideo, Uruguay

3 2 Black crowned night heron

Black crowned night heron

by Patricia CarabelliFoz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brazil

1 3 Ferrerinho-relógio


by SkaraujoCaicó, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil

Há um pequeno grupo desses pássaros que ...

1 0 Variegated Flycatcher

Variegated Flycatcher

by CarlaRibeiroSão Luís, Brazil

I photographed it in the jungle

12 7 Anu Branco

Anu Branco

by RicardoVenerandoSanto André, SP, Brazil

Geralmente vive em bandos,este fotografei num parque em cidade vizinha.

1 5 Coicoi heron

Coicoi heron

by Patricia CarabelliFoz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brazil

This bird was in the "Museo de las Aves" in Foz do Iguazú, Paraná, Brazil

1 1 Ostrero americano (American oystercatcher)

Ostrero americano (American oystercatcher)

by PatCarabelliUruguay

Bird seen on the coastline on places where there are "mejillones"

0 3 Perna de pau

Perna de pau

by SandraKellyCaicó, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil

Único avistamento destes pássaros. Apenas ...

0 0 Great Kiskadee

Great Kiskadee

by pattyMontevideo, Montevideo, Uruguay

The beautiful head striped benteveo can regularly be seen around Uruguay.

5 6 Coleirinha


by eleneliasRibeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil

O macho é preto com um colar branco e a femea e de cor marrom clara São

1 1 esquilo vermelho

esquilo vermelho

by JorgeSilvaViana do Castelo, Portugal

habitat:Europa, Ásia e Grã-Bretanha alimentação:sementes, cogumelos, ovos de ...

0 0 Channel-billed Toucan

Channel-billed Toucan

by angelog.ambientalCuritiba, Paraná, Brazil

The toucan-peas-black is a family piciforme Ramphastidae. Also known as canjo ...

1 1 Jandaya Parakeet

Jandaya Parakeet

by angelog.ambientalCuritiba, Paraná, Brazil

Measuring 30 cm in length and weighed 130g. Only his head and lower parts ...

2 1 Anum branco (Guira Guira)

Anum branco (Guira Guira)

by PattyCNavegantes, Santa Catarina, Brazil

I spotted this bird while walking near Navegantes town; there were many of them ...

6 2 Wattled jacana (Jacana)

Wattled jacana (Jacana)

by pattyUruguay

Nice medium size bird calmly walking and eating near the capybara´s pond ...

2 2 Red and green macaw

Red and green macaw

by Patricia CarabelliFoz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brazil

This one was inside the "Museo de las Aves" in Foz de Iguazu, Paraná, Brazil

4 8 Blue and yellow macaw (Guacamayo azul y amarillo)

Blue and yellow macaw (Guacamayo azul y amarillo)

by Patricia CarabelliFoz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brazil

Rainforest. This one was inside the "Museo de las Aves" natural reserve, Foz de ...

7 5 Cramer's Eighty-eight

Cramer's Eighty-eight

by TonFlaggerFoz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brazil

para os amantes da natureza visitar. Muitas espécies diferentes de borboletas, ...

5 2 Bird nest fungi -  Young specimens

Bird nest fungi - Young specimens

by SckelCariacica, Espírito Santo, Brazil

0 0 Cattle tyrant (Picabuey)

Cattle tyrant (Picabuey)

by pattyMontevideo, Montevideo, Uruguay

During a cold but sunny winter day, the machetornis rixosa decided it was time ...

4 0 Campo Flicker

Campo Flicker

by pattyJosé Ignacio, Maldonado, Uruguay

A couple of Campo Flickers were calmly flying and eating around José Ignacio ...

2 3 Cattle tyrant (Picabuey)

Cattle tyrant (Picabuey)

by PattyCJuan Lacaze, Colonia, Uruguay

Small bird commonly seen in uruguayan pastures, it can be seen on the grass, on ...

3 8 Green-barred woodpecker (Pájaro carpintero real)

Green-barred woodpecker (Pájaro carpintero real)

by PattyCJuan Lacaze, Colonia, Uruguay

Many beautiful woodpeckers can easily be spotted flying around uruguayan green ...

0 0 Monk parakeet

Monk parakeet

by pattyMontevideo, Montevideo, Uruguay

Monk parakeets can commonly be spotted all around Uruguay. These ones were ...

7 1 Rhea americana

Rhea americana

by pattyMaldonado, Maldonado, Uruguay

The rheas can be commonly spotted all around Uruguay. It is very common to find ...

1 0 Guira Cuckoo

Guira Cuckoo

by pattyMontevideo, Montevideo, Uruguay

The Gira Cuckoo can commonly be spotted in open and semi-open areas around ...

15 6 Southern lapwing

Southern lapwing

by pattyMontevideo, Montevideo, Uruguay

As every year, the Southern lapwings that share the school grounds with us have ...

1 0 Black-throated Saltator

Black-throated Saltator

by Diogo CésarMG, Brazil

0 1 Bird's nest fungi

Bird's nest fungi

by CrisSão Caetano do Sul, SP, Brazil


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