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1 0 Peeling Bark Maple

Peeling Bark Maple

by wvoutdoorlearningcenterWashington, USA

About 6ft tall, peeling

0 1 Spotting


by dcslaughFlorida, USA

Peeling tree with white flowers.

0 1 Birch tree

Birch tree

by Jordan SorgeAlberta, Canada

Bark is

0 0 American Sycamore tree

American Sycamore tree

by dturrisi7Chicago, Illinois, USA


9 7 Silver Birch

Silver Birch

by LarsKorbSchönstedt, Freistaat Thüringen, Germany

Peeling off

1 0 Spotting


by youdbetterknowGuelph, Ontario, Canada

0 0 Sycamore


by 15dpittsBaltimore, Maryland, USA

Tree tall peeling

0 0 Sycamore


by 15dheckstallBaltimore, Maryland, USA


0 0 Sycamore


by 16tcostonKansas, USA


0 0 Sycamore


by Justice KendallBaltimore, Maryland, USA


0 0 Sugar maple

Sugar maple

by Justin EvansBaltimore, Maryland, USA

This trees bark

0 0 Sycamore Tree

Sycamore Tree

by 20jedokpayiBaltimore, Maryland, USA


0 0 Spotting


by AdiShavitכפר תבור, Israel

Found about 1.7m up a Eucalyptus tree under some

0 0 Spotting


by LuisStevensIquitos, Peru

Tree with peeling

0 0 Yorrell


by Hilda JuniorKalgoorlie, Western Australia, Australia


0 0 Spotting


by steelemaleySeattle, Washington, USA

A tree with peeled

0 0 Spotting


by CandiceBView Royal, British Columbia, Canada

Red tree with peeling

0 0 Spotting


by SFShepL.A., California, USA

light tan bark,

0 0 Sycamore Tree

Sycamore Tree

by 19fgregoriniBaltimore, Maryland, USA


0 0 Sycamore tree

Sycamore tree

by 19zapplerBaltimore, Maryland, USA

Smooth peeling

0 0 Sycamore


by alexmdevoyAvon-by-the-Sea, New Jersey, USA

Huge, about 60 feet tall. Peeling

1 0 Crape Myrtle

Crape Myrtle

by joanbstanleyTexas, USA

Old bark

0 0 American Sycamore

American Sycamore

by bradonhulseyHelena, Alabama, USA

Blooms in winter, bark

0 3 Paper Bark Tree

Paper Bark Tree

by CindyBinghamKeiserEscondido, California, USA

Tall, peeling white

0 0 Eastern Redbud Tree Bark

Eastern Redbud Tree Bark

by gatorfellowsDenton, Texas, USA

When the bark

0 0 Spotting


by EvanStubbinsOntario, Canada

A tree with white paper-like bark that ...

0 0 Birch Trees

Birch Trees

by ValerieLynne

Tall, white, flaky, and narrow trees

0 0 Tlapacone


by Mario VMTehuacán, Puebla, Mexico

Tree with peeling

0 1 Paper birch?

Paper birch?

by HeatherMillerAthens-Clarke County, Georgia, USA

It was summer and this tree was peeling ...

0 0 Spotting


by gatorfellowsDenton, Texas, USA

White disc like things under the peeling ...

2 1 Crape myrtle bruise

Crape myrtle bruise

by ChristineWalshLeblancLouisiana, USA

Green fungus around the newly exposed bark ...

0 0 American Sycamore

American Sycamore

by audrey.m.archerHockessin, Delaware, Delaware, USA

Large, simple leaves. Mottled bark that ...

0 0 Spotting


by nd2b2012Lake Forest Park, Washington, USA

Red berries with purple seed in center. Thin flat needles.

0 1 Parsley Leaf Hawthorn

Parsley Leaf Hawthorn

by emt595Texas, USA

Deciduous tree with small red berries and

0 0 Spotting


by MorganRickettsL.A., California, USA

Deciduous mid-sized tree with clusters of brown fruits and light brown lightly ...

0 0 Paper Birch

Paper Birch

by Tania2Alberta, Canada

Bark papery,

0 0 Short needle pine tree

Short needle pine tree

by beccosaurHamlet, North Carolina, USA

Short green pine needles, Peeling

0 0 Sycamore


by 15evukcevichMaryland, USA

Large tree with big trunk that has peeling ...

0 0 River Birch

River Birch

by sarah in the woodsTennessee, USA

light, peeling

0 1 Trees ony curb

Trees ony curb

Portland, Oregon, USA

Small White flowers in Spring. Dark red leaves, desidious,

2 5 Hapalopeza praying mantis

Hapalopeza praying mantis

by ChiefRedEarthKerala, India

This mantis is about 3 cm, sitting on a fallen tree (

0 0 Sycamore


by 16jsimpsonMaryland, USA


0 0 European White Birch

European White Birch

Massachusetts, USA

Simple, alternate, peeling white

0 0 European White Birch

European White Birch

Massachusetts, USA

Opposite, simple, catkins, white peeling ...

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