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1 0 Soft-shelled Turtle

Soft-shelled Turtle

by glenn.mariano.520Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines

Tiny Soft-Shelled turtle loves to eat worms

0 0 Chinese softshell turtle

Chinese softshell turtle

by pavlaki1968

Pic taken in a pond in the Tsurugaoka Hachiman temple in Kamakura, Japan. This ...

0 2 Chinese Softshell Turtle

Chinese Softshell Turtle

by AgnesAdiqueTalaveraBiñan, Laguna, Philippines

My neighbor caught this from a nearby creek. It was released back to the creek ...

4 0 Asiatic Soft Shelled Turtle

Asiatic Soft Shelled Turtle

by Noel BuensucesoMarikina, Metro Manila, Philippines

The Asiatic Soft Shelled Turtle, also known as Chinese Softshell Turtle, can ...

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