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0 0 Pipsissewa


by sleighgreenBonners Ferry, Idaho, USA

2 0 Menzie's Pipsissewa

Menzie's Pipsissewa

by IanVillanuevaDuncan, British Columbia, Canada

1 0 Pipsissewa


by ScottRasmussenMassachusetts, USA

0 0 pipsissewa


by JuneMitaConnecticut, USA

This fairly common subshrub of the forest floor blooms in early summer. The ...

0 0 Pipsissewa, Spotted Wintergreen

Pipsissewa, Spotted Wintergreen

by sarahbethreidOhio, USA

Leaves approx. 3 inches long

0 0 pipsissewa


by Sandra19Wisconsin, USA

0 3 spider killer

spider killer

by AngelChandlerWashington, USA

perhaps stalking a crab spider in a

2 0 Umbellate Wintergreen

Umbellate Wintergreen

by MachiColorado, USA

Showy, distinctive flowers

2 0 Pipsissewa


by AngelChandlerJefferson, Washington, USA

In this comparison one can almost visualize the transformation from flower to ...

0 0 Pipsissewa


by AarongunnarWisconsin, USA

Pipsissewa is a native evergreen low shrub ...

0 0 Shinleaf


by MachiNew Hampshire, USA

The seeds remind me of Pipsissewa, but ...

3 0 Pipsissewa


by PucaKWinder, Georgia, USA

Seed capsules. Subglobose; ca. 0.25 inches diameter; will split along the ...

0 0 pink wintergreen

pink wintergreen

by AngelChandlerWashington, USA

Evergreen elliptic-shaped leaves grow in a basal rosette. Pinkish bell-shaped ...

1 0 Wintergreen


by Maria dBChapel Hill, North Carolina, USA

This plant has many common names, including: Spotted Wintergreen,

0 0 Spotted Wintergreen

Spotted Wintergreen

by MachiDelaware Township, Pennsylvania, USA

Dark green to teal leaves with reddish stems. Many of the ones I found had ...

1 0 Prince's Pine or Pipsissewa

Prince's Pine or Pipsissewa

by KathleenMcEachernBritish Columbia, Canada

Evergreen perennial with a cluster of pink flowers at the top of the stem.

6 1 Spotted Wintergreen

Spotted Wintergreen

by ForestDragonNorthwest Harbor, New York, USA

Low growing plant. Thick, dark green leaves with light veins. Tan stems with a ...

0 0 Spotted Wintergreen

Spotted Wintergreen

by QWMomGeorgia, USA

Although one of the common names of this species is "Spotted Wintergreen" this ...

0 0 Spotted Wintergreen

Spotted Wintergreen

by QWMomGeorgia, USA

Although one of the common names of this species is "Spotted Wintergreen" this ...

6 4 Pipsissewa


by LaurenZarateChiapas, Mexico

This is one of the strangest flowers I've ever seen and the first time I've ...

0 0 Spotted Wintergreen

Spotted Wintergreen

by Lynn Cremona

from the similar pipsissewa (Chimaphila ...

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