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0 0 Grebe


by 19markramseyMaryland, USA

Eastern United States

0 0 Little Grebe

Little Grebe

by HarumKoh茨城県 (Ibaraki), Japan

カイツブリ目 Podicipediformes. カイツブリ科

4 0 Zampullín común (Little grebe)

Zampullín común (Little grebe)

by kozogaAmposta, Catalunya, Spain

Delta del Ebro

0 0 Somormujo lavanco (Great crested grebe)

Somormujo lavanco (Great crested grebe)

by kozogaAmposta, Catalunya, Spain


2 0 Zampullín cuellinegro (Black-necked Grebe)

Zampullín cuellinegro (Black-necked Grebe)

by kozogaAmposta, Catalunya, Spain

Delta del Ebro

0 0 Somormujo lavanco (Great crested grebe)

Somormujo lavanco (Great crested grebe)

by kozogaAmposta, Catalunya, Spain

a chick and her mom

3 2 Great Crested Grebe

Great Crested Grebe

by MartinUrbanGemeinde Wien, Wien, Austria

Podicipediformes / Podicipedidae

3 3 Great Crested Grebe

Great Crested Grebe

by KostasZontanosΑποκεντρωμένη Διοίκηση Μακεδονίας - Θράκης, Greece

River estuaries.

0 0 Little Grebe

Little Grebe

by Zlatan CelebicRepublika Srpska / Република Српска, Bosnia and Herzegovina

(Podicipedidae). Dark above and rufous ...

2 0 Great Crested Grebe

Great Crested Grebe

by KostasZontanosΔήμος Καστοριάς, Περιφέρεια Δυτικής Μακεδονίας, Greece

Greek common name: σκουφοβουτηχτάρι

0 0 Great crested Grebe

Great crested Grebe

by Zlatan CelebicTalloires-Montmin, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Tromelin Island

Medium sized diving bird with elaborate neck and head decorations during ...

11 14 Great Crested Grebe

Great Crested Grebe

by KostasZontanosΚαστοριά, Αποκεντρωμένη Διοίκηση Ηπείρου - Δυτικής Μακεδονίας, Greece

Early courtship ritual dance of Great Crested Grebes (Podiceps Cristatus).

1 2 Eared Grebe

Eared Grebe

by KostasZontanosΑποκεντρωμένη Διοίκηση Μακεδονίας - Θράκης, Greece

Greek name: Πυγόπους ο μελανόλαιμος. Greek common name: Μαυροβουτηχτάρι.

0 0 Little Grebe

Little Grebe

by KostasZontanosΚαστοριά, Αποκεντρωμένη Διοίκηση Ηπείρου - Δυτικής Μακεδονίας, Greece

Greek name: Ταχύβαπτος ο πυροτράχηλος. Greek common name: Νανοβουτηχτάρι.

1 0 Pied-billed Grebe

Pied-billed Grebe

by LiamAugusta, Georgia, USA

from Anseriformes, though, and belong in their own family,

5 5 Great crested grebe

Great crested grebe

by DanielePralongVevey, Vaud, Switzerland

The Great crested grebe, seen here in its winter plumage, is the largest and ...

2 0 Eared Grebe

Eared Grebe

by KostasZontanosΑποκεντρωμένη Διοίκηση Μακεδονίας - Θράκης, Greece

Adult eared grebe in non-breeding plumage.

6 2 Great crested Grebe

Great crested Grebe

by Zlatan CelebicLyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Tromelin Island

Medium sized, but the largest in grebe family found in Old World, diving bird ...

1 0 Great Crested Grebe

Great Crested Grebe

by Zlatan Celebic

Medium sized, but the largest in grebe family found in Old World, diving bird ...

1 0 Black-eared grebe

Black-eared grebe

by Zlatan CelebicAuvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Tromelin Island

Small to medium sized grebe, growing up to some 30 to 32 cm in length. In ...

3 0 Great Grebes

Great Grebes

by misakoTorres del Paine, XII Región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena, Chile

Spotted this pair of Great Grebes feeding in the glacial river Rio Serrano ...

16 2 Great Crested Grebe

Great Crested Grebe

by DanielePralongVevey, Vaud, Switzerland

The Great Crested Grebe is an elegant waterbird, with ornate head plumes which ...

0 0 Eared Grebe

Eared Grebe

by KostasZontanosΑποκεντρωμένη Διοίκηση Μακεδονίας - Θράκης, Greece

Kalochori village occupy the lowlands between the delta of Gallikos river and ...

1 0 Australasian Grebe (in breeding plumage)

Australasian Grebe (in breeding plumage)

by Neil RossBrisbane, Queensland, Australia

The Australasian grebe (Tachybaptus novaehollandiae) is a small waterbird ...

2 0 Australasian Grebes (in breeding plumage)

Australasian Grebes (in breeding plumage)

by Neil RossStanthorpe, Queensland, Australia

The Australasian grebe (Tachybaptus novaehollandiae) is a small waterbird ...

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