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6 2 Ironweed Curculio

Ironweed Curculio

by beaker98Illinois, USA

Canal/deciduous habitat.

2 1 Cocklebur weevil

Cocklebur weevil

by GoodyCaney, Kansas, USA

aka Ironweed curculio

2 0 Cocklebur Weevil

Cocklebur Weevil

by stephanielrickmanIllinois, USA


3 0 Ironweed Curculio

Ironweed Curculio

by stephanielrickmanIllinois, USA

wooded path along a canal

0 2 Ironweed Curculio

Ironweed Curculio

by Andy.BinderPrescott, Arizona, USA

1 1 Ironweed Weevil/ Ironweed Curculio

Ironweed Weevil/ Ironweed Curculio

by PakkoRamírezPalaciosVeracruz, Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave, Mexico

0 1 Ironweed Curculio

Ironweed Curculio

by aswedishelfTexas, USA

This is a type of weevil. I found it on my sunflower plant. I was able to catch ...

0 0 Ironweed Curculio

Ironweed Curculio

by CindyloohooNashville-Davidson, Tennessee, USA

Have not located specified information on this one. It is also known as the ...

1 0 Ironweed Curculio

Ironweed Curculio

by LatimeriaOhio, USA

An orange weevil with multiple black spots on its thorax and abdomen.

2 0 Ironweed Curculio

Ironweed Curculio

by LuckyLoganIowa, USA

Snout beetle about 1.5 cm in length. Red with black spots

0 0 Ironweed Weevil

Ironweed Weevil

by LatimeriaOhio, USA

About one centimeter long, dorsal side red with black spots on its pronotum and ...

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