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0 0 Rosebelly Lizard

Rosebelly Lizard

by Nés VasquezVeracruz de Ignacio de la Llave, Mexico

Bosque Tropical Perennifolio, ladera del Río Tonto, Sierra de Zongolica. ...

2 0 Rose-belly Lizard

Rose-belly Lizard

by Chris CarilleSanta Rosa de Copan, Copán, Honduras

4 1 Rosebelly Lizard (male)

Rosebelly Lizard (male)

by LuisStevensChiapas, Mexico


0 0 Rosebelly Lizard

Rosebelly Lizard

by MitchRaySan Antonio, Texas, USA

1 0 Rose-bellied Spiny Lizard

Rose-bellied Spiny Lizard

by MAUROGuanacaste, Costa Rica

1 1 Rosebelly Lizard

Rosebelly Lizard

by ToucanGuanacaste, Costa Rica

1 1 Rosebelly Lizard

Rosebelly Lizard

by Nacho GarciaTampico, Tamaulipas, Mexico

1 0 Male Rosebelly Lizard

Male Rosebelly Lizard

by SiggAlajuela, Costa Rica

0 0 Rosebelly Lizard

Rosebelly Lizard

by Nés VasquezCórdoba, Veracruz, Mexico

Plantación de café (Coffea arabica) en relictos de Bosque Tropical ...

1 3 Rosebelly Lizard

Rosebelly Lizard

by pamsaiPetén, Guatemala

Seen in the Tikal national Park, Guatemala

1 0 Rosebelly Lizard

Rosebelly Lizard

by Nestor Rodrigo Vasquez CisnerosVeracruz de Ignacio de la Llave, Mexico

0 0 Texas Rose-bellied Lizard

Texas Rose-bellied Lizard

by FelixOPharr, Texas, USA

Spotted at Santa Ana NWR.

2 2 Rosebelly Lizard

Rosebelly Lizard

by Hunter HebenstreitGuanacaste, Costa Rica

A widely ranging lizard, at home in many ...

0 0 Rose-belly Spiny Lizard

Rose-belly Spiny Lizard

by Nés VasquezVeracruz de Ignacio de la Llave, Mexico

Pastizal cercano a bosque de encino (Quercus sp.). Elevación: 1590 m.

0 0 Rosebelly Spiny Lizard

Rosebelly Spiny Lizard

by Nés VasquezVeracruz de Ignacio de la Llave, Mexico

Río Chiquito, Bosque de Coníferas (Pinus sp.). Elevación: 2000 m.

4 0 Northern Rose-bellied Lizard

Northern Rose-bellied Lizard

by Brian38San Juan, Texas, United States

Adults may reach about 5.5 inches in length. There is a double row of black or ...

1 1 Rosebelly Lizard

Rosebelly Lizard

by BugEricTexas, USA

Small-medium-sized lizard, over 15 cm in ...

2 4 Texas Rose-bellied Lizard

Texas Rose-bellied Lizard

by nexttogoneTexas, USA

This lizard was found at my favorite eating ...

0 3 Rose-Bellied Spiny Lizard

Rose-Bellied Spiny Lizard

by LaurenZarateChiapas, Mexico

This striped brown and yellow lizard was ...

2 0 Rosebelly Lizard

Rosebelly Lizard

by AshleyTTexas, USA

Brown striped back with males having a pink belly.

0 0 Rosebelly Lizard

Rosebelly Lizard

by AshleyTPort Isabel, Texas, USA

There are two tan stripes running the length of the back, and two rows of spots ...

0 8 Rosebelly Lizard

Rosebelly Lizard

by pamsaiRivas, Nicaragua

I saw several of these lizards in the ...

0 2 Yucatán spiny lizard, yellow-spotted spiny lizard

Yucatán spiny lizard, yellow-spotted spiny lizard

by Marta RubioTexeiraYucatán, Mexico

and throat patches. This spotting could also be

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