A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Bosque Tropical Perennifolio, ladera del Río Tonto, Sierra de Zongolica. ...
Plantación de café (Coffea arabica) en relictos de Bosque Tropical ...
The rosebelly lizard (Sceloporus
Adults may reach about 5.5 inches in length. There is a double row of black or ...
Pastizal cercano a bosque de encino (Quercus sp.). Elevación: 1590 m.
Río Chiquito, Bosque de Coníferas (Pinus sp.). Elevación: 2000 m.
There are two tan stripes running the length of the back, and two rows of spots ...
Small-medium-sized lizard, over 15 cm in length including tail; colored as ...
This lizard was found at my favorite eating place today. Under a rotting sheet ...
This striped brown and yellow lizard was everywhere on the rocks and boulders. ...
A widely ranging lizard, at home in many habitats; from ocean beaches to ...
and throat patches.
This spotting could also be rosebelly lizard,
I saw several of these lizards in the reserve. First 3 might be male with the ...