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0 1 Stick Insect

Stick Insect

by Paw PrintzVictoria, Australia

1 2 Stick-Bugs


by MicheleMorbidelliจังหวัดสุราษฎร์ธานี, Thailand

South of Thailand

6 3 Stick Insect

Stick Insect

by ToshimiDowakiPrachin Buri, Thailand


2 0 stick insect

stick insect

by mendes.madalenaAlentejo, Portugal

small green stick

1 0 Stick Insect

Stick Insect

by DrNamgyalT.SherpaGangtok, Sikkim, India

1 1 Stick Insect

Stick Insect

by DrNamgyalT.SherpaGangtok, Sikkim, India

0 1 Stick insect

Stick insect

by ylainePalawan, Philippines

0 1 stick insect

stick insect

by BenerdickLeeSabah, Malaysia

3 1 Walking Sticks

Walking Sticks

by MicheleMorbidelliจังหวัดสุราษฎร์ธานี, Thailand

South of Thailand

1 0 Unknown phasmatid

Unknown phasmatid

by AdamBTระยอง, Thailand


0 0 Spotting


by DoodlebugJalisco, Mexico

Largest stick

0 3 Stick insect

Stick insect

by ZarinaSakKuala Lumpur, Selangor, Malaysia

4 5 Stick Insect

Stick Insect

by ErikaCommersNew Zealand

Tiny stick

0 0 Stick Insect

Stick Insect

by NickCookBritish Virgin Islands


0 0 stick insect

stick insect

by DiegoSotoValle del Cauca, Colombia

1 2 Stick Insect

Stick Insect

by EdwinTanSingapore, Singapore

A species of stick

0 0 Stick insect

Stick insect

by KarenLCosta Rica

6" long stick

0 0 Stick Insects

Stick Insects

by MicheleMorbidelliจังหวัดสุราษฎร์ธานี, Thailand

South of Thailand

0 0 Stick Insect - Nymph

Stick Insect - Nymph

by AlbertKangQuezon, Philippines

1 3 Stick Insect

Stick Insect

by implodingAdelaide, South Australia, Australia

0 0 Stick Insect

Stick Insect

by FakawiTribePetaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

2cm long stick

0 0 stick insect

stick insect

by VasanthKumarBangalore, Karnataka, India

1 0 Stick insect sp.

Stick insect sp.

by Daniel RowsonMindo, Provincia de Pichincha, Ecuador


8 3 Stick Insect

Stick Insect

by RachelMPuerto Francisco de Orellana, Provincia de Orellana, Ecuador


5 0 stick insects

stick insects

by zaidirazakAmpang, Selangor, Malaysia

a large green color stick

2 1 Stick Insect

Stick Insect

by ScottHarteQueensland, Australia

Found this walking stick at night, after a ...

1 1 Thunberg's Stick Insect

Thunberg's Stick Insect

by Smith'sZooWestern Cape, South Africa

0 0 Thunberg's Stick Insect

Thunberg's Stick Insect

by Smith'sZooWestern Cape, South Africa

7 cm stick

1 0 Stick insect

Stick insect

by Smith'sZooWestern Cape, South Africa

2 cm +

0 0 Giant Prickly Stick Insect

Giant Prickly Stick Insect

by MartinUrbanWien, Wien, Austria

Australische Gespenstschrecke

0 0 Winged Stick Insect, Phasmid

Winged Stick Insect, Phasmid

by AlbertKangRomblon, Philippines

A pair of Winged Stick

1 0 Winged Stick Insect

Winged Stick Insect

by AlbertKangRomblon, Philippines

Adult Female of a Winged Stick

1 2 Stick Insect, Phasmid - Female

Stick Insect, Phasmid - Female

by AlbertKangMalaysia

The typical look of a Stick

0 0 Stick Insect, Phasmd - Female

Stick Insect, Phasmd - Female

by AlbertKangIfugao, Philippines

Female Stick

0 0 Stick insect

Stick insect

by Panda27Manitoba, Canada

Looks like a stick

1 1 Northern Walkingstick

Northern Walkingstick

by sezin22Pennsylvania, USA

Walking stick

0 0 Spotting


by Doug SiresHammond, Louisiana, USA

2 1 Walking stick

Walking stick

by GenevaCoffmanFordland, Missouri, USA

Stick like

0 1 Spotting


by varcakAlabama, USA

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